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Updated by Shim Marom on Oct 10, 2017
Shim Marom Shim Marom
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All #pmFlashBlog posts

Links to all posts published as part of the first ever project management flash blog initiative

What does project management mean to me - a Project Manager's sermon

As each of us grow up, somebody, somewhere along the line gives us that age old and most wise advice. It comes in many variations, but the message is always the same. Pursue the work you love, and it will never be work at all.

What Does Project Management Mean To Me

A project manager's sermon I'm thrilled to be a part of the first ever project management flash blog (#pmFlashBlog), where 70+ project management bloggers from around the globe write about the same topic with all blogs being published simultaneously (Sept 25, 2013 at 1:00 GMT).

What does project management mean to me - a Project Manager's sermon

So what does project management mean to me? It is such a broad subject with many different aspects to it. To many, project management conjures up visions of plans & planning, risks & issues, reporting, tracking etc. - all important tools, techniques, methods and processes. But for me, project management is about people. - Trusted and Reputed Professionals

Being a Project Manager is one of the most exciting professions you can have. From the perspective of a Project Manager, the world can be managed as a set of projects, and this is just what I do in my everyday life.In fact, recently we have applied it to the new publication book that we are performing at the This way, I don't have to 'invent' how to do it. - Trusted and Reputed Professionals

As a Project Director, project management is the practice that guides my decisions. There are many professions and professionals that don't have a verified and clear reference guide to help them to perform their work. But that's not the problem of a Project Director.

Living like a Boss: Project-Managing your life

When I was first asked to participate in a joint effort of PM bloggers to simultaneously publish a series of posts about their field, I asked myself a very simple question: what would be the single most basic thing about Project Management that I would consider critical for everyone to know?

Flashblog - A Project Manager's Sermon

A flashmob is where a group of people arrange to meet at a specific place and time to perform some unexpected activity. For example, I once saw a flashmob in Liverpool Street station in London, near where I used to work. People were dancing along to Rick Astley's pop song Never Gonna Give You Up....

What Project Management Means To Me

This article is part of the #pmFlashBlog. By Jason Westland, CEO, Project management, to me, is multi-faceted. There's a part of it that is about process and there's a part that's about dealing with other team members in a human, collaborative way. It's probably best to split those two out for just a moment.


Part of #PMFlashBlog from the reality of Project Management in Spain. What does project management mean to me, and why I think it is a profession as important in Spain at the moment? I would ask you to take time and think about the topic while having a coffee and go over the state of the Project Management in Spain, particularly in the building construction sector.

What does Project Management mean to me?

This post is part of the worldwide PM FlashBlog initiative. For more information, visit this page. Every other year I hop on a plane with my family and fly from Toronto to Seattle for Christmas. Between the restlessness of the children and my grumpiness over the lack of leg room, I eat my mini pretzels, [...]

The Enlightened Manager Blog

This post is part of the Project Management Flash Blog, with over 70 bloggers writing on the topic "What Project Management Means to Me." You can find a list of all participating blogs here, or follow the hashtag #PMFlashBlog on Twitter. Enjoy! What does project management mean to me?

My Project Management Sermon

What is it that attracted me to project management? I have always lived with the philosophy that we are masters of our own destinies. Hopefully, the choices we make in our lives lead us to a positive, happy life, loving what we do and receiving satisfaction from our efforts.

What Project Management Means To Me #PMFlashblog

This was a tough article to write, considering that this article on the topic " what does project management mean to me " is being published with another 71 of the leading project management bloggers around the world, talk about pressure...

What does project management mean to me - a Project Manager's sermon

I'm proud and happy to be a part of the world's first Project Management Flashblog! This post is published as part of a first ever project management related global blogging initiative to publish a post on a common theme at exactly the same time. Ten-fifteen years ago, when I was a younger and hard-working project...

Working With or Without Walls

When I received a request to write this blogpost (see the explanation in the postscript) with the suggested title of "What Does Project Management Mean to Me - A Project Manager's Sermon", I had to sit down and ponder awhile how to put my thoughts into words.

Better Projects

Identity, power and relationships matter. Project management is a multifaceted tool that can help you manage yours. I have been blogging on project management since - holy cow - 2005. You would think by now that I would have this question answered. And once upon a time I did.

What Does Project Management Mean to Me? A Project Manager's Sermon

I've been working on information technology projects since 1985. For the first few years, I was a programmer / analyst. Then I started managing projects. Then I managed programs, and then project portfolios. These days, I'm back on the road as a migrant computer worker, managing consulting engagements.

Change Through Action: The #PMFlashBlog - Right here, Right now

Project Management is an interesting beast conjuring up lots of images and meaning many things to many people. Those who do it are professional in their work yet the debate rages as to whether it's a profession in its own right.

What does project management mean to me?

The first of its kind flashmob blogs on project management are taking place right now! I'm honored to be included in this illustrious group of 70+ PM bloggers around the world asking the very same question: What does project management mean to me?

What does project management mean to me?

This article is part of the #pmFlashBlog. Project management. It's what I've been doing my whole life, some of the time without realising. It's how I planned my studies. It's how I planned my wedding. It's how I survived relocating abroad for work, and it's how I stayed sane moving house with a 6 month old baby.

Flashblog - A Project Manager's Sermon

A flashmob is where a group of people arrange to meet at a specific place and time to perform some unexpected activity. For example, I once saw a flashmob in Liverpool Street station in London, near where I used to work. People were dancing along to Rick Astley's pop song Never Gonna Give You Up....

Herding Cats

When Shim asked I write a blog about what project management means to me I first thought that would be easy. I'd just write about how I came to project management from my software development past and how managing software development projects was a natural transition from those experiences.

Henny Portman's Blog

We still see many project failures. Why can't we be more successful? Inspired by some pictures from Gilbert Garcin I found on the web, I will visualize and explain some characteristics of the ideal project manager and than the answer will be in your hands. Do we have them?

What does project management mean to me?

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it" Flashblog Journeys and Destinations - Ends and Means Ferris Bueller, Project Manager, 1986 Back in August (2013) Shim Marom contacted me and asked me to participate in an initiative whereby the leading project management bloggers around the world would all write a post, on a common topic, then publish them all simultaneously.

Ivan Rivera, PMP: What does project management mean to me // Que significa para mí la Administración de Proyectos

This post can be read in english Here El mes pasado, Shim Marom me invitó, junto a más de 80 Administradores de Proyecto de todo el mundo, a participar de este interesante esfuerzo: el denominado Project Management FlashBlog. La idea es interesante en si misma.