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Updated by Jayson Suggs on Mar 05, 2023
Jayson Suggs Jayson Suggs
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How to Protect a VM in a Cloud Environment

Maintaining a secure cloud environment is essential for any business. With the many benefits that virtualized machines (VMs) in the cloud bring, it's equally important to ensure they're properly protected.

Understand the Different Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become an increasingly popular choice for businesses and private individuals alike. This technology offers many advantages, including cost savings and scalability.

Perform Vulnerability Scans to Uncover Potential Security Flaws

Regular vulnerability scans can help keep any system secure. By conducting routine assessments, organizations can identify potential threats to their infrastructure and take the necessary steps to mitigate them.

Develop a VM Access Control Model

Developing an efficient access control model for a virtual machine (VM) is essential in order to ensure its security in the face of cyber threats. In this regard, building a strong identification and authentication mechanism is vital as it prevents unauthorized personnel from entering the system.

Utilize Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are incredibly important tools for network security. Firewalls monitor inbound and outbound traffic, providing a line of defense against malicious actors.

Encrypt Data in Transit and at Rest

Data encryption is an essential part of modern-day cybersecurity. It involves both encrypting data in transit (data that moves between two points) and also encrypting data at rest (data stored in databases, cloud-storage services, or on other devices).

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication for Secure Remote Access

Implementing multi-factor authentication for secure remote access is paramount for any business setting. Companies must ensure their sensitive data remains secure regardless of user location, and multi-factor authentication grants an added layer of protection against unauthorized access.