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Updated by Tricky Care on Oct 10, 2023
Tricky Care Tricky Care
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tenon's capsule

Tenon's capsule is a thin fascial sheath that surrounds the eyeball, separating it from the orbital fat. The inner surface of the capsule is smooth and shiny. A potential space, the episcleral (sub-Tenon's) space, separates the capsule from the outer surface of the sclera.

Tenon's capsule - Wikipedia

Tenon's capsule (/təˈnoʊn/), also known as the Tenon capsule, fascial sheath of the eyeball (Latin: vagina bulbi) or the fascia bulbi, is a thin membrane which envelops the eyeball from the optic nerve to the corneal limbus, separating it from the orbital fat and forming a socket in which it moves.

Tenon capsule | Radiology Reference Article |

The Tenon capsule, also known as fascia bulbi or bulbar sheath, functions as an extraocular muscle pulley. It also provides a socket which separates the globe from the surrounding fat and allows free movement. It merges posteriorly with the dural...

[The function of Tenon's capsule revisited] - PubMed

Tenon's capsule is at the forefront of today's strabismus news. Its function as a muscle pulley was recognized by Tenon himself in 1806. Neiger, then Koornneef, and more recently Demer gave a more modern description of Tenon's capsule. The anterior or muscular part is made up of collagen, elastic, a …

Tenon's capsule - American Academy of Ophthalmology

Tenon's capsule. (A) Sagittal view. (B) Equatorial section.

FASCIA OF ORBIT & EYEBALL | Tenon' capsule | Ligament of Lockwood's | Periorbita | Check ligaments |

Describe the fascia of eyeball and orbit.What is Tenon's capsule?What is ligament of lockwood's?What is periorbita?Formation of check ligaments?location and ...

Tenon's capsule: ultrastructure of collagen fibrils in normals and infantile esotropia. | IOVS | ARVO Journals

Y Shauly, B Miller, C Lichtig, M Modan, E Meyer; Tenon's capsule: ultrastructure of collagen fibrils in normals and infantile esotropia.. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 1992;33(3):651-656.


WHEN JAMESON first presented his technique of recession, he primarily described a method of suturing a muscle ending directly to the sclera.* This gave more uni

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