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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Must visit places in the Gal Oya National Park – moving scenes of a thriving habitat
Joanna James Joanna James
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Must visit places in the Gal Oya National Park – moving scenes of a thriving habitat

As the largest catchment area of Sri Lanka’s biggest reservoir, the Senanayake Reservoir; the Gal Oya National Park is reputed for its elephant population and medicinal plants.


Location and geography

Understand that the Gal Oya National Park covers an astonishing 25,900 hectares and finds refuge within the areas of Sri Lanka’s Eastern and Uva Provinces respectively. For those thinking of heading over from the nation’s capital of Colombo, the reserve will be found some 338 km away while travellers leaving from Kandy will be required to make journey for approximately 195 km before the vistas and pleasures of the Gal Oya National Park can be caught sight of.


Animal species

Nature lovers and those keen on unearthing the jewels of the animal world will surely have their hands full no sooner one enters the alluring precincts of the Gal Oya National Park. A cross section of terrestrial animals have sought refuge of the Park’s pleasing environs for many years ever since its establishment in 1954. These include but aren’t necessarily limited to the Sri Lankan Leopard, Sambar Deer, Water Buffalo, Wild Boar, Sri Lankan Axis Deer, Toque Monkey and of course its chief inhabitant; the Sri Lankan Elephant. Should one be a fan of exotic birdlife, then the Gal Oya National Park would fuel one’s ambitions in a manner that will have you carrying your trusty pair of binoculars wherever you go. The White-bellied Sea Eagle, Indian Cormorant, Grey Heron, Oriental Darter and Red-faced Malkoha come across as some of the Park’s more popular species of birds which have currently crossed the 150 mark.   


Plants and vegetation

During a jeep safari through the park, views of thick jungle, grasslands and the waters of the Senanayake Reservoir will come across as a prelude to what lies ahead, the farther you venture. Complementing the reserve’s animal species in no uncertain manner is its plant life which does warrant equal attention and detail as the former. As the wanderlust in you begins to take over, one’s focus will soon be drawn towards the numerous medicinal species that grow in various areas of the Park. Aside from the aforementioned, your tour guide will certainly educate you on the finer points of this attraction that also includes species such as the Diospyros, Longan and Berrya Cordifolia.



When contemplating a visit to Gal Oya, Sri Lanka hotels in the likes of Wild Glamping Gal Oya will present rewarding stays and authentic experiences to the visitor yearning to be but a hop, step and a jump from the National Park. Furthermore, the town of Ampara which is the nearest of its kind to the Gal Oya National Park can also be included in one’s travel plans in the event you need plenty of information before arriving at any informed decision.



Relying on public transportation is one way to travel to the Park and experience all there is to this famed reserve. The bus stands at Bibile and Ampara will be your starting points but know that the buses tend to be crowded albeit presenting a cheaper means of reaching your destination. In terms of a laidback adventure, toy with the thought of a boat ride that can be easily scheduled from the area known as Inginiyagala after which you can settle down to a leisurely cruise through lush green forests.   

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