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Updated by Mila Araujo on Mar 19, 2024
Headline for Articles I've Been Referenced In
Mila Araujo Mila Araujo
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Articles I've Been Referenced In

Digital Fluency, Social Enterprise and Why They are Important for HR

Technology, especially social media, has dramatically changed the way people communicate in recent years, and what I call "digital fluency" has become the business literacy of the 21st century. Digital fluency is the ability to use social and mobile technology to communicate, collaborate and connect with people.

25 Women in Marketing & NPOs You Should Know

25 Women in Marketing & NPOs You Should Know March 11th, 2013 by margie In honor of International Women's Day last Friday, I'm giving a shout-out to 25 women in marketing and nonprofits that are making a difference! Take a moment and follow them-you should know them too! 1.

The Mila Araujo (@Milaspage) School of Commenting

Confession: I'm an awkward commenter, and struggle with how to best deliver response without becoming overbearing. So I always perk my ears up when I run into a comment marketer who is well liked by their peers, and glean any best practices I can.

4 Reasons Why Social Media Use = Great Customer Service

If you've bought anything in the last few years, you've no doubt noticed that customer service is not what it used to be. Most of us don't dare pick up the phone because we fear hearing that dreaded phrase: "To hear a menu of options, please press 1."

Five Questions: Mila Araujo, Director of Personal Insurance, Ogilvy & Ogilvy

Mila Araujo is the Director of Personal Insurance for Westmount, Quebec-based . With 15 years of experience in the insurance industry, Mila's now embraced social media and has become a strong advocate for social media in the business world.

Content Marketing: 5 Experts 5 Views

Whether you believe the current hype around content marketing is crap or crêpes, you're not going to avoid it. I have my thoughts why it's such a hot topic, but this post is not about my opinion, but the opinions of experts who I admire and have learned so much from.

It's NOT a "Walk in the Park"

We all know social media is a uber-powerful communications channel that all... yes ALL businesses should be adopting within their business practices. I have said this many times before and will continue to say it. There are many reasons why social media is so important but I am not going to focus on that in this blog post.

A Simple Rule to Manage Your Marketing: Stop Thinking it's "Just Marketing"

We can talk about it all we want, but at some point the results from investments you make in your business have to become evident. Investments like social marketing are the trickiest to assess for business owners and directors who have gotten on board, yet rely fully on stats and numbers they don"t understand.

Seen from Here / Vue d'ici

When information is cheap, attention becomes expensive ... The future is about focus. We as human beings, we're trying to maximize our signal and minimize the amount of noise that we're exposed to. - Brad Frost, Death to Bullshit As a student, I learned to sit still, listen and take copious notes, and ask the occasional hopefully pertinent question.

Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom

If you've bought anything in the last few years, you've no doubt noticed that customer service is not what it used to be. Most of us don't dare pick up the phone because we fear hearing that dreaded phrase: "To hear a menu of options, please press 1."

Who says you can't do social media in a regulated industry?

Using social media in a regulated industry has been a contentious issue, largely due to the fear of a new, very loud, unknown. Yes, social media is public and it is loud, leaving little room for mistakes. You could say that mistakes are part of being human, and they can happen, but mishaps in a regulated industry can have dire consequences.

The real women of social media

This song is to all the real women of social media who work hard every day to bring value to their industry: With the publication of Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg has revived the conversation about women and leadership. All of a sudden there's a plethora of articles published discussing this topic, and whether or not Sheryl's ideas and assertions are valid.

Penguin Book Truck: Not Your Regular Conference Booth

Penguin's bookstores-on-wheels will roll into this week's Book Expo America. Also: how your association can use Instagram to encourage member engagement. What we ask ourselves about Instagram is 'are we having a meaningful conversation with our users?' Penguin Group recently launched a mobile bookstores division that will use the Penguin Book Truck and the Penguin Pushcart to tour the U.S.

Cultivating Zombies or Activating Community : Non-Profit Challenges Competing In the Social Media World by Mila Arauj...

Presented at Pod Camp East 2012, This is not the original slide deck. Over 25 slides have been added and some altered to include the discussion points (text) which occurred during the presentation.

My 100 Favorite Posts of 2012

I did quite a bit of waffling as to whether I would do this project for the third year in a row. I really enjoy doing it, but last year I got a fair amount of accusations tossed my way - that I did this for comment bait or link bait.

How Data is the Biggest Ally for User Experience

Anyone that follows this blog regularly will know there's a wee bit of a running joke at how often the site design changes. What started out as a semi-regular update (say, once or twice a year) to keep the look fresh, and the content front and centre, has become almost as regular an occasion as Facebook platform updates messing up everyone's privacy settings.

Ponderings: Who has Mentored You?

This week's pondering question is: Who has mentored you in your life and what has it meant to your life or career? What is a mentor? I believe it is someone who gives graciously of themselves to help others learn and grow.

Triberr: The Kick in the Pants Your Blog Needs

When you join Triberr, you join tribes. Bam! Instant community. People have conversations, share more about their blog and learn more about the people in their tribes. You can receive invitations from people you know or people who find you in Triberr.

12 Most Lasting Lessons I Learned from Other 12 Most Writers

As a long time contributor herself, Susan Silver reminisces with the 12 Most Lasting Lessons I Learned from Other 12 Most Writers.

Negotiating the social media maze

Slowly but surely, Canadian insurance brokers are starting to explore how to use social media to expand their business opportunities and connect with a wired generation of Canadian consumers. But where does your brokerage begin? A novice in the field may recoil at first sight of the rapid proliferation of social network platforms - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, MySpace, etc.

Top 5 Ways to Expand your Social Media Presence Immediately
Social Media is all about Engagement but first establish your Embassies Our first recommendation for any company establishing or looking to expand its social media presence is to create a great social media strategy.
10 Women That Rock Our Social Media World!
With International Women's Day nearing on March 8th, here is a list of 10 women who rock it in the social media world, through blogs, tweets and/or webinars!
Social Media Insights: Roundtable Discussion
On Monday, November 11 th, 2013, the McGill Writing Centre (MWC) will bring together students, faculty, and industry insiders in the fields of web design and consultation, social media strategy and networking, and marketing and communications for a roundtable discussion on the rapidly evolving world of social media.
"Leadership, where is it born?"

I think leadership stems from many things, but I believe it is born when children find support, encouragement and guidance to make their dreams realities and realize the potential in their ability. What do you think?

This Week's Top Ten Poetic Picks -

The best in poetry (and poetic things) : Apps to help organize your writer self • @milaspage made our Top Ten!