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Updated by 220018582 on May 09, 2023
Headline for Ever Heard Of Adopted pigments? Take a look on this one 'Actinomyces Israelii'
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Ever Heard Of Adopted pigments? Take a look on this one 'Actinomyces Israelii'



Colors abound in nature, and pigment-producing microorganisms (fungi, yeasts, and bacteria) are abundant .Microbial p...

Colors abound in nature, and pigment-producing microorganisms (fungi, yeasts, and bacteria) are abundant .Microbial p...

Catchy picture isn't? Actinomyces israelii is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria in the Actinomyces genus. It is yellow 'su;fur' granules. A. israelii is an opportunistic pathogen that causes actinomycosis and is known to dwell commensally on and within humans. There are several physiologically varied strains of the species, however not all are strict anaerobes. It was named after the German surgeon James Adolf Israel (1848-1926), who first researched the organism in 1878.

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Actinomyces israelii is a commensal bacteria that can be found in the mouth and tonsillar crypts. It can produce actinomycosis, a chronic suppurative infection characterized by numerous abscesses emptied via sinus tracts. Actinomycotic abscesses can appear in the liver, appendix, lung, or neck.


Actinomyces israelii is a kind of yeast. These are saprophytic bacteria that dwell mostly in the mouth cavity and tonsillar crypts Actinomyces israelii pathologies are produced by an endogenous focus that spreads to ordinarily sterile sites. This eliminates out the possibility of it spreading from person to person. Furthermore, particular conditions must exist for the infection to occurallowing the microbe to infiltrate deep tissues. It can affect people of all ages, regardless of age or season.


Symptoms and signs Cervicofacial actinomycosis typically affects the tissues surrounding the upper or lower mandible, as well as the face, chin, and submaxillary ramus and angle. The mandibular joint is more infrequently implicated. Generally, the condition manifests as a slowly increasing painless indurated mass that evolves into numerous abscesses with draining sinus tracts on the skin surface or oral mucosa, occasionally displaying a characteristic thick yellow exudate with sulfur granules.


All kinds of actinomycosis are treated with intravenous penicillin G at high dosages for two to six weeks, followed by oral penicillin V. If there is substantial necrotic tissue, sinus tracts, or fistulas, or if patients do not respond to medicinal treatment, surgical treatment may be required. It may also be required if malignancy cannot be ruled out.


This is the pathology of Actinomyces Israelii


Actinomyces are gram-positive filamentous non-acid fast anaerobic to microaerophilic bacteria that colonize the human mouth,and gastrointestinal tract but can cause actinomycosis infection. s. Actinomycosis is usually not diagnosed until it has progressed to the chronic stage. In ordinarily healthy people, the infection is often curable with a long course of intravenous antibiotics; however, the prognosis is less certain in immunocompromised people.