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Updated by Paul Proctor on Dec 23, 2014
Paul Proctor Paul Proctor
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Dog Nail Clippers

All about dog nail clippers


A FIRM non slip ideally elevated surface to clip you dogs nails on.

A FIRM non slip ideally elevated surface to clip you dogs nails on.

PRACTICE MAKES FOR A PERFECT DOG NAIL CLIP. So be prepared and try just one nail on one paw at first, if in doubt get...

PRACTICE MAKES FOR A PERFECT DOG NAIL CLIP. So be prepared and try just one nail on one paw at first, if in doubt get...

BE PREPARED: As they say in the Boy Scouts, get everything ready before you start clipping.

BE PREPARED: As they say in the Boy Scouts, get everything ready before you start clipping.

Safety ALWAYS comes first, if in any doubt your dog may bite place a muzzle on, especially if he or she ( or you the ...

Safety ALWAYS comes first, if in any doubt your dog may bite place a muzzle on, especially if he or she ( or you the ...

Ideally always try to PREPARE your pet, touch their nails and paws, play a game with your dog practicing all this inc...

Ideally always try to PREPARE your pet, touch their nails and paws, play a game with your dog practicing all this inc...

Always use a helper at first and REMEMBER this should be fun ;-)

Always use a helper at first and REMEMBER this should be fun ;-)

BLEEDING! If you accidently cut the quick do not panic the bleeding should stop in 5 minutes and most anti bleeding a...

BLEEDING! If you accidently cut the quick do not panic the bleeding should stop in 5 minutes and most anti bleeding a...

Clip your dogs nails little and often is our best advice

Clip your dogs nails little and often is our best advice