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Users cPanel Guilde For Websites and Hosting Accounts

cPanel is a control panel for your hosting account and how you access all your website hosting features. While cPanel is primarily designed for technical users, knowing how it works is very useful for anyone that manages a website.
cPanel is the most widely used hosting control panel and since their beginning in 1997, it has been a symbol of high-quality web hosting management and automation.
Almost 90% of hosting companies are now using cPanel. RSH Web Services offer affordable plans that are tailored to meet your needs, whether you are running a small business or an enterprise

MultiPHP INI Editor for cPanel | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This MultiPHP interface allows you to configure your PHP settings.
Note: WHM users can view information about the server’s PHP INI settings in WHM’s MultiPHP INI Editor interface (WHM » Home » Software » MultiPHP INI Editor).

Zone Editor | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The Zone Editor feature allows you to create, edit, and delete Domain Name System (DNS) zone records. DNS converts human-readable domain names (for example, to computer-readable IP addresses (for example, DNS relies on zone records that exist on your server to map domain names to IP addresses.

WP Toolkit for cPanel | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This WP Toolkit interface allows you to manage the WordPress® installations on your cPanel account.
The Onboarding Assistant automatically creates a WordPress website for the new cPanel account if the user selects the WordPress option.

Domains | cPanel & WHM Documentation

To create a new domain, your hosting provider must enable at least one the following features in WHM’s Feature Manager interface (WHM » Home » Packages » Feature Manager):
Addon Domains


SSL/TLS | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The features in this interface allow you to generate and manage SSL certificates, signing requests, and keys, which enhance your website’s security. They are useful for websites that regularly work with sensitive information, such as login credentials and credit card numbers. Encryption protects visitors’ communications from malicious users.

Security Policy | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to update and manage your cPanel account’s security questions. You can also add access IP addresses. When you attempt to log in to your cPanel account from a verified access IP address, the system will not require you to answer the security questions.

ModSecurity® | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to enable or disable ModSecurity for your domains.
Note:If you cannot access this interface from your cPanel account, ask your hosting provider to perform the following steps in WHM:
Install the mod_security2 module in the Apache Modules section of WHM’s EasyApache 4 interface (WHM » Home » Software EasyApache 4).

Leech Protection | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password-restricted directories. After you set the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period, the system redirects or suspends users who exceed it. This is useful if, for example, someone posts a user’s login credentials on a public site.

IP Blocker | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The IP Blocker interface allows you to block access to your site for one or more IP addresses or fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).
WHM users can block IP addresses at the server level via the Host Access Control interface (WHM » Home » Security Center » Host Access Control).

Hotlink Protection | cPanel & WHM Documentation

A hotlink occurs when someone embeds content from your site in another site and uses your bandwidth to serve the files. You can use this interface to prevent this issue.
When you disable hotlinks, make certain that you allow hotlinks for any necessary domains. For example, your website’s subdomains and the URL that you use to access your cPanel account.

Default Address | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to set up a default address (a catch-all address) that receives any mail for an invalid email address for the domain. You can also define how the default address handles incoming messages.

Create an Email Account | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface lets you create a new email account. To create a new email account, click Create. A new interface will appear. It displays the account creation settings, as well as your account’s quota status
You cannot enter cpanel as an account name when you create an email account.
You cannot rename an email account or change its address after you create it.

Configure Greylisting | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to enable or disable Greylisting for each domain on your account. Greylisting defends email users against spam. When you enable Greylisting, the mail server will temporarily reject any email from a sender that the server does not recognize. If the email is legitimate, the server that sent it will try to send the email again after a delay. After a sufficient amount of time, the server will accept the email.

Calendar Delegation | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The Calendar Delegation interface allows you to delegate access rights for a user’s calendar to other users. This is useful for people needing to manage other people’s calendars or manage resources such as conference rooms.

BoxTrapper | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The BoxTrapper feature filters spam from your inbox through challenge-response verification. When an account with BoxTrapper enabled receives an email, BoxTrapper automatically sends a verification email in response. The sender must complete the verification process before the email can pass to your inbox. If the sender does not verify the email, the verification fails and BoxTrapper never clears the message for delivery. After a period of time, the system automatically deletes the spam.

Autoresponders | cPanel & WHM Documentation

To view the autoresponders for a specific domain on your account, select that domain from the Managing menu on the top right side of the Autoresponders interface. A list of that domain’s autoresponders will appear.
To find an autoresponder’s specific email address, enter a keyword in the Search text box and click Go.

Archive | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to save incoming, outgoing, and mailing list messages for a specified amount of time. The system stores the messages in the mail directory in the user’s home directory. Each day, the system generates a new directory with the archivetype.YYYY-MM-DD format that contains all of the specified archive type’s messages.

Address Importer | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This interface allows you to use two types of files to create multiple email addresses or forwarders for your account simultaneously. You may use Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet files (.xls) or comma-separated values sheet (CSV) files (.csv) to import data.

MultiPHP INI Editor for cPanel | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The menu displays a list of available domain document roots, or you may choose the account Home Directory. Select the location that you wish to configure from the menu. If you want to apply changes to any website under this cPanel user, edit the home directory. If you’re going to apply changes only to a specific domain, edit the document root instead. The PHP directives will appear after selecting.

Application Manager | cPanel & WHM Documentation

his interface allows you to deploy applications with the Phusion Passenger® application server. A Phusion Passenger server functions as a process manager, reverse proxy, and provides operations tools to its users.
This interface works on servers that run Apache and NGINX®.

Manage API Tokens in cPanel | cPanel & WHM Documentation

This feature lets you create, list, update, and revoke API tokens. The server recognizes API tokens and allows you to run API functions. API functions allow you to view and change account data without the need to log in to the cPanel interface. You can issue API tokens to allow others to run API functions with your account’s data. For example, you could issue an API token to a reseller. The reseller could use that token to check disk usage.

Leech Protection | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password-restricted directories. After you set the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period, the system redirects or suspends users who exceed it. This is useful if, for example, someone posts a user’s login credentials on a public site.

IP Blocker | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The IP Blocker interface allows you to block access to your site for one or more IP addresses or fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).
Note: WHM users can block IP addresses at the server level via the Host Access Control interface (WHM » Home » Security Center » Host Access Control).

Hotlink Protection | cPanel & WHM Documentation

Overview A hotlink occurs when someone embeds content from your site in another site and uses your bandwidth to serve the files. You can use this interface to prevent this issue.

Zone Editor | cPanel & WHM Documentation

The Zone Editor feature allows you to create, edit, and delete Domain Name System (DNS) zone records. DNS converts human-readable domain names (for example, to computer-readable IP addresses (for example, DNS relies on zone records that exist on your server to map domain names to IP addresses.