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Updated by Umbrella Health Care Systems on Oct 22, 2023
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Health Benefits of Spinach

Spinach is a leafy green flowering plant native to central and western Asia. It is of the order Caryophyllales, family Amaranthaceae, subfamily Chenopodioideae. Its leaves are a common edible vegetable consumed either fresh, or after storage using preservation techniques by canning, freezing, or dehydration.


Green Goodness

Green Goodness

Spinach is a superstar among green leafy vegetables. This low-calorie food is full of nutrients that are good for your body in several ways. From boosting the immune system -- your body's defense against germs -- to helping your heart, its advantages might surprise you.


Boosts Hydration

Boosts Hydration

You might think sipping water and other drinks are the only way to hydrate. But food can help you reach that goal, too. Spinach is a vegetable that's nearly all water. Add it to your meals and snacks throughout the day for extra H2O.


Curbs Appetite

Curbs Appetite

Studies suggest thylakoid extracts from plants like spinach may reduce your appetite. This happens because they lower levels of a hunger hormone and raise hormones that make you feel full. Thylakoids can also make your stomach empty later.


Cuts Risk of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Cuts Risk of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Spinach is a vegetarian source of iron, a mineral you need to help red blood cells bring oxygen to different areas of your body. When you have too little iron, you get iron deficiency anemia. This condition might make you feel weak, dizzy, and have trouble breathing.


Strengthens the Immune System

Strengthens the Immune System

Spinach has vitamins and minerals like vitamin E and magnesium that support your immune system. This system keeps you safe from viruses and bacteria that cause disease. It also defends your body from other things that can hurt you, like toxins.


Assists Baby Development

Assists Baby Development

There is a lot of folate in spinach. This vitamin prevents neural tube birth defects like spina bifida in babies. That's why your doctor might tell you to take a supplement with folic acid (the man-made version of folate) if you're pregnant. You also get vitamin B6 from spinach, which is important for your baby's brain to develop in your womb and after they're born.


Keeps Eyes Healthy

Keeps Eyes Healthy

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids in spinach that lower your chances of having long-term eye conditions. For example, like vitamin C, they lower your odds of getting cataracts. You also get tons of vitamin A from spinach, which supports good vision.


Fights Free Radicals

Fights Free Radicals

You can get antioxidants from fruits and vegetables, and spinach is no exception. Antioxidants limit the harm that molecules called "free radicals" can do to your cells. Cell damage from free radicals may play a role in illnesses like diabetes, cancer, and Parkinson's disease.