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Updated by georgina-4 on Jan 24, 2023
georgina-4 georgina-4
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5 ways to improve your SEO strategy

Every Trick Marketing ( lists ten of the best ways you can maximize your search engine optimisation efforts and get ranking on Google faster!


Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Keyword research refers to discovering the queries people use to search for information into Google and other search engines. Keyword research is a great tactic to find relevant phrases and decide which would be most effective to optimise your website for.
You can use the Google Ads keyword planner to conduct keyword research, you just need to set up a Google Ads account and apply budget to a campaign.


Great Content

Great Content

Always write great content that is original and informative to the reader. This will keep people on your website for longer and more engaged, in turn Google will reward you for producing content that is of interest to people.


Video Content

Video Content

Video content helps to keep people on the site for longer and more engaged, it also become a more frequent feature in search results and therefore is well worth while including on pages of your site, or within an article to answer a query.


Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets

Featured snippets refer to the SERP in Google that answers the question before a user has to click through to the site. Ranking for featured snippets can help improve your domain name authority, increase brand awareness, improve your click-through rate and more.

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