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Updated by Hayden Cooper on May 05, 2023
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What makes a good Gun Holster Purse ?

A recent study conducted by the Harvard’s School of Public Health finds that women accounted for approximately half of all new firearm purchases in the US between the years 2019 and 2021. There has also been a corresponding surge in applications for issuance of concealed carry permits and a majority of those applying are women. It is not surprising that there has also been an increase in the demand for women gun holsters, with a lot of interest being shown in gun holsters for purses.

What makes a good Gun Holster Purse ? - Gun Holster

What makes a good Gun Holster Purse ? There are certian essential features that differentiates it from your everyday women’s purse or handbag.

Top 8 Concealed Carry Mistakes - Gun Holster

Top 8 Concealed Carry Mistakes when carrying a firearm. There are certain things that you have to be mindful of when conceal carrying a gun.

How to draw a gun from a holster ? - Gun Holster

Learning how to draw a gun from a holster safely is a skill that needs to be first learned and then perfected over time with regular practice.

4 Rules of Gun Safety - Gun Holster

There are many types of guns available but the 4 rules of gun safety apply to all guns. They apply to both new & more experienced gun owners.

Top 10 causes of Accidental Firearm Discharge - Gun Holster

Once you pull the trigger, there is no going back. The following are the top 10 causes of accidental firearm discharge in the United States.

Can using a Gun Holster save your life ? - Gun Holster

A leading cause of death amongst gun owners today is accidental discharge and improper storage. Simply using a gun holster can save your life.

How to clean a Gun Holster - Gun Holster

Gun owners are aware of the importance of keeping their guns clean. But not many of us realize the importance of cleaning our gun holsters.

Benefits of Gun Holsters - Gun Holster

There are many benefits of using a gun holster. They are designed to keep the gun secure, keep you comfortable and safe from accidents.

Types of Gun Holsters - Gun Holster

These are many types of gun holsters made from eithier leather, kydex or nylon. Which one suits you best depends upon your requirements & use.

Is the Department of Commerce requesting sales records from Gun Holster companies ? - Gun Holster

Department of Commerce is requesting sales records from Gun Holster companies. Is the government obtaining data of firearm owners through gun holster purchases.

The 3 Best Holsters for Women - Gun Holster

The 3 Best Holsters for Women: Gun holsters for women are different than men due to the difference in the built,size & shape of their bodies.

Top 10 causes of Accidental Firearm Discharge - Gun Holster

Once you pull the trigger, there is no going back. The following are the top 10 causes of accidental firearm discharge in the United States.

Firearms is now the leading cause of death among teens in the US & renews calls for safe gun storage - Gun Holster

Firearms is now the leading cause of death among teens in the US & renews calls for safe gun storage as many of these deaths could be avioded.

How to get a concealed carry permit for all States - Gun Holster

How to get a concealed carry permit for all States ? This will differ state to state, but there are certain general guidelines to follow.

3 Best Gun Holster for Car - Gun Holster

Gun holster for cars are useful for individuals that spend considerable time driving in their cars. These are the 3 Best Gun Holster for Car

How often should I clean my gun ? - Gun Holster

One of the questions asked by gun owners is “how often should I clean my gun?”. Keeping a clean gun is part of being a responsible gun owner.

Shoulder Gun Holster - Gun Holster

A shoulder gun holster is a holster that is worn on the shoulder under the arms & across the chest & helps distribute the weight of the gun.

Kydex holsters - Gun Holster

Kydex holsters are sturdy & have gained popularity in recent years due to their versatility, customizability, durability & low maintenance.

Motorcycle Gun Holster - Gun Holster

A motorcycle gun holster is a holster that is mounted to the motorcycle's frame and allows the rider to securely carry a gun while riding.

Tactical Holsters – Features and Advantages - Gun Holster

Tactical holsters have many features and advantages and are characterized by their durability, reliability, and versatility.

Chest Gun Holster - Gun Holster

A chest gun holster is worn on the chest, typically by hunters, outdoor enthusiasts or special forces & have pockets for carrying ammunition.

How to soften a leather gun holster ? - Gun Holster

New leather gun holsters are quite stiff when you buy them, therefore it is important to soften your leather gun holster for a better draw.

Leather Gun Holsters - Gun Holster

Leather gun holsters are the most popular type of holsters among gun enthusiasts due to its durability, resilience & their classic look.

How to carry a gun without a holster ? - Gun Holster

To carry a gun without a holster can be dangerous , however there may be situations where a holster is not available but you need your gun.

Leg Gun Holster - Gun Holster

A leg gun holster is designed to be worn on the thigh or leg, allowing the wearer to carry a firearm in a concealed or open carry manner.