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Updated by info-1955 on Dec 15, 2022
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Top Ten Fire and Electrical Safety Services

This article looks at the top ten fire and electrical safety services provided by

Pat Testing

PAT testing is a visual and electrical inspection of electrical appliances to ensure their safety. Its goal is to keep electrical accidents at home and at work to a minimum.


Electrical Inspection Condition Report (EICR) Testing

Electrical Inspection Condition Report (EICR) Testing

The abbreviation for 'Electrical Installation Condition Report' is EICR. 'Fixed Wire Testing' was the previous name for it. An EICR is a test performed by a "skilled" person to ensure that your electrical installations are safe and will not cause any fire hazards or electric shocks.


Fire Risk Assessments

Fire Risk Assessments

A fire risk assessment is a written document and is a legal requirement if you are responsible for a business property or are a landlord. They help identify fire risks and the people who are at risk.
Find out more here:


Fire Alarm Testing

Fire Alarm Testing

Fire alarms must be tested once a week by the user and once a year by a professional fire safety company. This must be documented in the fire-safety log. This routine check ensures that the system functions properly and, as a result, can be heard throughout the building.


Emergency Lighting Testing

Emergency Lighting Testing

A mains power failure on the normal lighting circuit / circuits or individual luminaries must be simulated to test an emergency lighting system. This will force the emergency lighting system to run on battery power. This test can either be performed manually or automatically.


Fire extinguisher servicing.

Fire extinguisher servicing.

Fire extinguisher servicing should be performed once a year in accordance with BS 5306-3:2009. The service procedure entails inspecting the fire extinguisher thoroughly for corrosion and partial or complete discharge. Find out more


Gas Safety Testing

Gas Safety Testing

Only a Gas Safe registered engineer should perform a gas safety check, who will test your gas appliances to ensure they are safe to use. Learn more


Fire door compliance

Fire door compliance

Fire doors are a legal requirement in all non-domestic properties, such as businesses, commercial premises, and public buildings. Find out more here


Evacuation plans

Evacuation plans

A fire emergency evacuation plan (FEEP) is a written document which includes the action to be taken by all persons in the event of an emergency, such as a fire. Learn more


Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

A carbon monoxide detector, also known as a CO detector, detects the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) gas in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Learn More