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Updated by Acorn PLMS on Jul 03, 2023
Headline for Doing L&D Better
Acorn PLMS Acorn PLMS
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Doing L&D Better

For years you've been told that finding the ROI of your L&D isn't possible. But it is! You just need to be strategic about it. This list will grow with a wide array of resources to help you achieve that.

Why Proficiency Matters To The Success of Your Business | Acorn

Job proficiency is about ensuring employees are proficient in certain skills and knowledge to a level that supports your business goals.

How To Unlock and Develop Crucial Employee Skills in Your Workplace

Skills gaps are emerging at an even faster rate than ever. Empowering internal mobility comes down to helping employees develop new and crucial skills.

How to Avoid L&D Value Debt by Investing in Strategically Impactful Initiatives

Discover how to have the strategic impact conversation upfront, prioritise training solutions and focus on solving business problems.

Linking Statement of Corporate Intent and L&D Strategy | Acorn

Why you should care about your L&D team capabilities and how impacts your ability to align L&D strategy with business strategy.

How Kathmandu Pairs On-the-Job & Online Training | Acorn

Learn why it's important to build trust in people leaders, the power of coaching and how to address high turnover in newer employees.

Why Starting at the End of L&D Strategy Pays Off | Acorn

Find out how lean L&D budgets often drive innovation, why self-directed learning won't net results, and starting with strategic impact.

How Can L&D Deliver When the CEO Delivers a Capability-Led Business Strategy

Learn how to do bottom up and top down capability assessments, as well as why more data doesn't necessary mean better for L&D strategy.

How to Remove Barriers and Align L&D to Drive Performance

Discover why choice of team name matters for internally aligning L&D, and how that feeds into creating more meaningful & measurable training.

Opinion Piece: L&D and the Correlation-Causation Fallacy

Correlation might suggest higher login rates directly lead to higher completion rates. Causation is about proving that it actually does.

Opinion Piece: Why You Should be Wary of Self-Directed Learning and How You Can Better Approach it

Self-directed learning is an easy solution to employee training, but is it really the best approach to learning in the workplace?

How the ‘Mess’ of an L&D Problem Provides Structure & Drives Outcomes

Learn why you should spend more time diagnosing learning needs and how to spend L&D budget more effectively.

Why Context (Not Content) is Key to Driving High-Performance Digital L&D

Learn why context always beats content for learner engagement, how to create buzz for training and why you shouldn't just rely on technology.

Why You Need to Focus on the Bigger Business Picture Before Learning Impact

Discover why you should start with business strategy theory when designing truly impactful capability and competency programs.

Just Why L&D Innovation Comes Down to Enthusiasm and Experimentation

Learn why you should pilot programs more and how to build strong stakeholder relationships between L&D and business units.

Why You Need to Think of Yourself as a Business Executive First, Learning Leader Second

Learn how to effectively diagnose performance needs and create self-sustaining learning solutions that position L&D as business leaders.

The Value of Leadership Development and How to Create a Successful Leadership Program

Leadership development is a valuable tool to ensuring your workforce is ready for the future, but you need to set it on-track for success.

Lessons From a Law Enforcement Instructor Turned L&D Strategist

Hear why data always wins the day for L&D decisions, and how reframing the need for organisational learning helps win buy-in.

The Value of Developing Leadership Skills in the Workplace (and Best Practices)

Developing leadership skills is valuable to not only employees, but also your company. Find out why and what the best practices are.

Double Your L&D Budget by Aligning with Business Needs | Acorn

Align learning with performance in stakeholders' minds and explain the risks of non-conformance to secure the budget you need in L&D.

Why Facts, Evidence & Data are the Only Way to Demonstrate the Impact of Learning

Change the perception of L&D by creating win-win partnerships and uncovering the performance outcomes that drive business outcomes..

The Best Path and Goals to Get to Truly Strategic L&D

Why learning culture should be the aim for L&D teams, and how to get there by speaking the strategic language of your organisation.

How a Workshop Can Improve Employee Expertise & Business Performance

Employee workshops have a range of benefits to staff and your business when conducted effectively. Learn about why you should hold workshops in your workplace.