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Updated by AYM YOGA SCHOOL on Dec 04, 2022
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13 Obstacle of Yogic Path "Chitta Vikshepa" | Sage Patanjali | Yogic Philosophy | Swami Sant Prakash Ji

Yoga Sutras" Sage Patanjali describes the 13 obstacles of yoga ( Chitta Vikshepa ):
we have 13 Vikshepa due to these vikshepa- we are missing the Mental Peace, Mental Bliss, Mental Purity.

13 Obstacle of Yogic Path "Chitta Vikshepa" | Sage Patanjali | Yogic Philosophy | Swami Sant Prakash Ji - AYM Yoga Sc...

Listen to this episode from AYM Yoga School "Yoga Sutras" Sage Patanjali describes the 13 obstacles of yoga ( Chitta Vikshepa ): we are missing the beauty of Mind. The Purity of Mind! And balance of Mind!  Knowing and studying these Antarayas will give you more skill, compassion, and understanding as you progress in your yoga practice. Listen to this podcast to know more.