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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for 5 Things You Should Not Pack for Your Caribbean Vacation – In the Caribbean, carefree takes on a whole new meaning
Joanna James Joanna James
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5 Things You Should Not Pack for Your Caribbean Vacation – In the Caribbean, carefree takes on a whole new meaning

Island life is carefree, not the casual carefree city-dwellers envisage – but the carefree, which means no one's looking or cares, just have fun. Pack lightly, a change or two, a pair of flip-flops and sunglasses are all you're really going to need.



If you are travelling to the Caribbean, you're going there for the sun and sea and the general laidback attitude these gorgeous islands offer. You'll be spending most of your time by the sea. Even if you go planning for romantic dinners and wild parties, the stunning shoreline is going to have you hooked, so you really won't need shoes, heels or any other fancy footwear; a comfortable pair of sturdy flip-flops or sandals should have you covered – they'd work fine for the romantic dinners at seaside restaurants and the wild-wild beach parties you'll probably find yourself at.



In the Caribbean, no one's going to be looking or judging, you'll feel free as free can be. After the first day, you'll automatically find yourself not caring about how you look and just giving your hundred per cent to soaking in the sun and basking in the glory of mother nature's wonderful creations. And to be really honest, the sun here will melt the makeup right off your face, so you can do without packing a bunch of make-up you'll end up not using.


Too many clothes

Passenger airlines such as Intercaribbean Airways are quite accommodating, and they might not be too strict on how much luggage you take. But of all things to know when flying, the most important is – the less luggage you have, the less trouble and worry you have.
You might be going on this trip worrying about how you'll look in this swimsuit or that one and planning out exactly what you'll wear for every hypothetical situation. But the point of this article is to get you ready for the Caribbean and make sure you have the best time. So be warned, the attitude on these islands is infectious and as soon as you get there, you'll find yourself being just as laidback as the old guy on the street in his very tiny speedos. No need to go all speedo, but clothes are honestly going to be the last thing on your mind in paradise.



Accessories – don't take too many, definitely nothing expensive. The only purpose they'll serve is to add unnecessary worry. You can do fine without earrings and watches. All you need to focus on is having fun! In paradise people don't judge, they're too busy bathing in bliss. And you should be too.


Button-down shirts

Guys going to the beach look forward to wearing a button-down shirt, ironically unbuttoned with folded sleeves – it's a quintessential look for the beach, ever so casual but meticulously put together. Well sorry to burst your bubble, but you're just going to be a sweaty mess – t-shirts or skinnies or no top is what you're going to end up being most comfortable in!

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    A travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.

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