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Updated by Malhar Barai on Sep 22, 2013
Malhar Barai Malhar Barai
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Top 5 Post on Content Discovery

Wondering what is content discovery and how to go about it. Tips from these 5 posts will help you reach the goal

Boost Your Content Marketing ROI With These 5 Discovery Tips

By Rachel Foster published January 30, 2013 Ask 10 marketers what "content discovery" is, and you'll most likely get 10 different answers. With all this variation, it can be hard to determine if content discovery is just a buzzword or something that can add significant ROI to your marketing.

The social engagement must in content discovery and content sharing

Social engagement is not a goal as such, it's a means to an end. However, this doesn't make it less important. On the contrary: social engagement has become an imperative for all marketers. One of many reasons: content discovery. Engagement is essential in how people consume and discover content.

Will Content Discovery Revolutionize Marketing?

It seems like lately everyone is talking about content discovery. Whether it's Facebook's Dan Rose asserting "Content discovery always has been and always will be social" or Rachel Foster from Content Marketing Institute providing a rundown of content discovery tools and tactics, it certainly seems to be a hot topic among marketers in 2013.

Content Discovery: 3 Essential Tools for finding great content to share

Content Discovery is a really important part to Social Media Marketing. You need to find and share great content which sometimes includes your own! But finding great content is so time consuming and time is a luxury we cannot afford!

40% Prefer Social Media Over Search Engines For Content Discovery | The Agency

A couple of years ago, the only way to find a good restaurant in town or a TV programme worth watching was by asking Google. But times have changed: now 40% of younger Brits rely more on social media than search engines when they want recommendations