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Updated by Nada Stojicevic on Mar 17, 2014
16 items   1 followers   0 votes   96 views



| Morfo

| Morfo

NEW UPDATE! For iPhone, iPad, iPod: Grab the new 2.1.5 update from iTunes or App Store. Now with Facebook video upload on all devices, Extended record times, Save to camera roll and more! NEWS FLASH: Morfo just became the #2 top free app in the United Kingdom! What is Morfo?

[Free]Portrait Illustration Maker - Facebook Profile Picture Generater

You can use them regardless of a personal or a business use. In so far as you keep the rules below; The combination of parts has been saved in Cookie with changing the icon. Please click the Delete button, if you'd like to delete the saved combination.

DoppelMe - Create Your Avatar

Create great looking avatars for your website or social network

Create a new Mangatar | FaceYourManga

Face Your Manga - description

Ultimate Flash Face v0.42b

It provides a palette of facial objects: eyes, jaw, hair, etc. For each, you pick the one you like, then place and size it appropriately. I thought the Flash-based interface was pretty clever. You can even save your creation.

Meez: Home ~~ Avatars, Free Games, and Virtual Worlds

Meez is the social entertainment leader combining avatars, web games and virtual worlds

Child's Journal in a Jar: Easy Gift in a Jar

Spark young writers with a clever non-food gift in a jar: a Child's Journal Jar. Simple, kid-friendly questions turn journaling sessions into fun! This printable gift in a jar makes a great gift for

eLouai's Candybar Doll Maker 3

The 3rd installment of the candybar doll maker series.