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Updated by George Wilson on Nov 16, 2023
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Customer Identity and Access Management

Decoding the Business Advantage of Digital Privacy for Customers

Investing in privacy isn’t just a matter of mitigating risks pertaining to data breaches; it’s also about navigating business success by building trust and offering value to customers through enhanced security and protections.

Also, passwordless authentication helps mitigate the risks associated with password breaches and account takeovers resulting from phishing scams and other credential-based attacks.

How To Use Identity To Make Your Customers Feel Safe And Empowered?

In today’s digital world, you must do more than secure your digital channels against malicious attacks. You also must ensure that your customers feel safe and empowered when using your website or application.

CIAM is all about driving revenue. A good CIAM solution can deliver the best user experience and a trusted security layer, but it requires planning and implementation.

Presenting: Progressive Profiling from LoginRadius

Progressive profiling is a new feature of the LoginRadius Identity Platform that gradually gathers customer data in an automated way.

Progressive profiling for customer registration allows you to split a potentially complicated registration process into multiple steps. You can capture a customer’s information upfront and then slowly build out a holistic view of that customer through subsequent actions.

Authentication vs Login - What’s the Difference?

When we talk about authentication vs. login, the security of both users and businesses shouldn’t be compromised, no matter what authentication method an enterprise uses.

Since most cyberattacks are targeted by bypassing the weak authentication layer, enterprises must understand the importance of reliable consumer identity and access management solutions.

What is Social Login

Social login, also called social sign-in or sign-on, allows your consumers to log in and register with a single click on a website or mobile application using their existing accounts from various social providers.

Social login reduces the effort to remember passwords, which means people don’t need to create and keep track of more credentials, lessening password fatigue and login failure.

10 Ways To Keep Your Business Safe On Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

Two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA) can help you keep your accounts safe even if cybercriminals get your passwords.
When you take some time to plan a personalized post-purchase experience, you not only inspire customer loyalty, you build trust and prove that you are invested in their happiness. And by keeping your best customers satisfied, they will come back again and again, which will increase your lifetime value.

The Customer Experience is About to Get Even Better With Passive Authentication

Passive authentication allows companies to respond to the demand for speed and convenience by making authentication seamless and automatic, thus avoiding security risks. Shifting from active to passive can be a delicate process, but the benefits are immense when done right.

To meet the needs for speed and convenience, companies can use passive authentication to make authentication seamless and automatic without sacrificing security.

Attack Surface vs. Attack Vector- Know the Difference

Understanding attack surface and attack vector can help you identify where vulnerabilities are most likely to occur, so you can improve your security posture and reduce risk. Attack surface and attack vector are two terms that can help you understand where vulnerabilities are most likely to occur, so you can improve your security posture and reduce risk.

What is Adaptive Authentication or Risk-based Authentication?

When an authentication request is deemed malicious by your organization's security policy, adaptive authentication sends a notification or prompts the consumer to complete some additional steps to verify their identities.

It enables users to log in with a username and password without requiring additional authentication while providing a security layer whenever a malicious attempt to access the system is made.

To learn more:

Federated SSO: The Single Sign-On Solution for Your Business

Businesses can use fed SSO to bridge the authentication gap between multiple platforms and allow users with cloud identity services to access services provided by one or more partner businesses/media without requiring a separate login at the partner platform.

Single sign-on gives users who want to switch platforms/applications from the same vendor a unified login experience.
To learn more visit here:

How to Use Multi-Factor Authentication When You Don't Have Cell Phone Access?

Many businesses use multi-factor authentication to verify customer's identities. The most usual method is to send customers an authorization code by text, which they enter on websites or apps.

Providing travelers with easy-to-use MFA solutions doesn't just keep your data and their data secure; it improves their digital experience while traveling in potentially risky situations.

Learn more here:

7 Uncommon Cyber Attacks in 2023: Why Your Organization Needs To Be Ready For The Worst-Case Scenarios

Cybercriminals always come up with new ways to exploit businesses and customer information. Every organization is aware of the potential threats, but they are also unaware of uncommon attacks that could severely impact their overall cybersecurity posture. Cybercriminals recent modus operandi constantly changes, so more than simply being aware is needed.

Read on to know more:

Business On The Move: How Just-in-Time Migrations Are Making Smooth CIAM Transitions

Just-in-time migrations move one user at a time, which means that the risk of exposing personal data is minimal, and a seamless transition isn’t bothered, users. In essence, just-in-time migrations overcome the challenges of conventional bulk migrations by moving users one by one from their current IAM to a new IAM once a user logs in.

What Is Federated Identity Management and Why Is It a Big Deal?

Federated identity management is a set of protocols and standards developed to allow businesses to share consumer identities.

It is an arrangement that can be brought into effect between two or more trusted domains, enabling users to access applications and services using the same digital identity. Federated identity management ensures seamless and secure access that goes a long way in enhancing user experience.

Read on to know more:

How Improving Customer Experience Can Boost E-Commerce Sales!

Customer experience is a customer's perception of how a company interacts with them and vice versa. This perception is the driving factor that affects customer behavior.

It builds brand memories and encourages brand loyalty. For businesses to evaluate every touchpoint of consumers who shop with them, they should think about pleasant experiences that promote better revenue, positive reviews, and lifelong customers.

Read on for more info here:

5 Reasons Why Strong Authentication is a Must for Your Business

User authentication is the most crucial aspect of any website's login procedure. While login with password methods have been successful for several decades, the existence of credential cracking software ensures that no data is safe.
To ensure they're providing their data to the right consumer or employee, businesses now have to invest in strong authentication programs.

Download this eBook for complete information on this:

Consumer Identity Trend Report 2023 in a Hyperconnected World.

By exploring the consumer behavior trends and lifecycles intertwined with digital identities, this report equips you with exclusive insights to develop targeted, customer-centric approaches.

Download this report now.

Strengthening User Security: Insights into Authentication Basics

With the increasing frequency of data breaches globally, user authentication has become an essential aspect of maintaining data security. This whitepaper serves as a comprehensive resource, offering guidance on strengthening your security measures to create a frictionless experience for your users and mitigate the threat of malicious practices employed by hackers.

Building Lasting Customer Relationships with CIAM Registration Service

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses must proactively adapt to the changing expectations of their customers. The modern consumer seeks a seamless, hassle-free, and connected online journey, and businesses must rise to the occasion. However, it is through the deployment of a centralized ciam solution that these experiences converge into a cohesive and captivating customer journey.

The Growing Digital Enterprise: Achieving Success Through a Multi-Brand Strategy

As the digital landscape becomes increasingly saturated with businesses vying for attention, standing out from the crowd becomes paramount. Through the artful orchestration of a multi-brand strategy, enterprises can differentiate themselves, offering a diverse array of products or services that cater to unique customer needs and aspirations.

Future-Proofing Your Accounts: Multi-Factor Authentication without Relying on Cell Phones

Acknowledging the diverse needs of clients, forward-thinking organizations offer an array of multi-factor authentication variants to cater to everyone. By understanding the limitations of SMS-based verification, they empower users without mobile phone access to embrace other secure options.

CIAM Unveiled: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Picking the Ideal Identity Management Solution

As businesses transition into the digital era, they must confront the reality that traditional methods of identity management are no longer sufficient. A CIAM solution is no longer just a luxury; it is swiftly becoming an imperative for any organization that values its customers' experiences and data security.

The World of Tokens: Analyzing Pros and Cons

The fragility of a token-based system lies in its vulnerability to unauthorized access or interception if not fortified with encryption and secure communication protocols. Organizations must remain vigilant, consistently updating and patching their token-based systems to counter emerging threats.

Dual-layered Defense: CIAM Two-Factor Authentication for Customer Accounts

The implementation of two-factor authentication aligns with regulatory frameworks and data protection laws. In many cases, businesses are required by law to employ adequate security measures to protect customer data. Failing to implement such measures can result in legal repercussions and penalties.

The Passwordless Revolution: Transforming User Access with CIAM Innovations

While technological innovations continue to reshape our world, the realm of passwords seems to have stagnated. The challenge of managing a plethora of passwords has reached a critical juncture in our technologically driven society, with users often opting for simplicity over security in a bid to streamline their digital engagement.