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Updated by Eastern Highway Company on Oct 24, 2022
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A Road safety guide that everyone should know about

A complete guide on traffic engineering & safety equipment. Eastern highway company is a renowned Traffic Engineering, Road marking services, Traffic Safety Products, and Services Company, who are providing a complete solution to your traffic safety needs. At Eastern highway, you can find everything about traffic safety. Keep up to date with all the latest news / Blogs from Eastern highway.


Thermoplastic Pavement Markings-Use of Modified Road Marking Materials

Thermoplastic pavement markings are a special-formulated polymer that changes into liquid after exposure to extreme temperatures.
The most well-known types of thermoplastic pavement markings made with thermoplastic pavement paints include:

  • Handicap Spaces
  • Parking Spaces
  • Arrows for Directing Traffic
  • STOP Markings
  • Emergency/Fire Lanes
  • Crosswalks
  • NO PARKING Zones
  • Bus Lanes

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Traffic Accidents -1000 of Precious Lives that Should be Saved Daily | Eastern Highway

Did you know what causes the greatest number of traffic accidents on the road is Distracted Driving. Let us discuss the causes of traffic accidents or road accidents and ways to prevent them. Unfortunately, Hundreds of people die or get injured in these road accidents daily. What is heartbreaking is that this death rate can be easily reduced and precious lives can be saved.

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Why are Zebra Crossings Important for the Safe Crossing of Roads by Pedestrians in 2022?

A zebra crossing also known as a pedestrian crossing marked with white stripes technically known as zebra stripes allows pedestrians to cross the road. Zebra Crossings are a compulsory and safe option for pedestrians especially in case of heavy traffic.

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PPE -Benefits of Personal Protective Equipment for Safety in 2022

PPE also known as Personal protective equipment is important safety equipment used at workplaces. All personal protective equipment (PPE) must be carefully designed, constructed, and maintained cleanly and consistently. PPE has to be designed in a way that fits comfortably and makes it easier to use.

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Safety Rules for Roads: Excellent Advice for Cyclists, Drivers and Pedestrians

Road safety rules are the techniques and measures employed to stop road users from becoming seriously injured or killed. Common road users include motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, vehicles, passengers in cars, horse riders, and passengers of public transport on the road (mainly trams and buses).

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Traffic Engineering & Safety Products -Avoiding Accidents in Year 2022

Roads can be dangerous. Many people do not adhere to the rules of traffic and speed limit. In addition, a minimum infrastructure is built to ensure pedestrians’ safety. Experts of traffic engineering suggest that road safety devices are the best way to ensure safety.

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Traffic Signals and Blinkers 2022-What are they & Why Should we Follow them?

You must remember seeing red, yellow, and green lights by the side of the road. Traffic signals and Blinkers, also known as a spotlights, are indicators that maintain vehicle traffic passing via the junction of two or more roads. Following the traffic signals and blinkers is important as these play a vital role in traffic flow and guiding road users.

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