Listly by Katherine Robertson-Pilling
Have you ever thought of your life as a creative process? Well, it is. And these are the 12 steps you must take to create it consciously.
I've made this journey – from where I am to where I long to be – so many times in so many areas of my life. While it can't say that I love my life every day there a many days I do. If you're reading this post, I would imagine that either you already love your life...
What do you think it would take for you to say, "I love my life?" Do you need to make more money, leave your relationship, change jobs, get in shape, find yourself, or finally name your Big Why? Do you need to bring more love to What Is here and now?
What is it about human beings that has us habitually say No to the things we love the most? You know what you need to do (to feel good in your skin, to take care of yourself, to reach your personal goals, to make a difference in the world) but somehow you don't do it and don't do it and don't it.
A number of years ago, when I first began studying aikido, I had a habit of falling incorrectly and, more often than not, hurting myself. I was very frustrated and though I thought I understood what the right way was, I could not get it right.
I don't know about you but I think human beings tend to be somewhat crisis oriented. We don't really reach down into ourselves for answers until everything we've tried to do to control the world around us fails. As long as you have the familiar sights around you - things that you think you know - there is a sense of security.
Life is an ever-changing set of competing priorities, where visions become reality in the context of daily demands. For me these days life is occurring at an ever-quickening level of intensity, as my different priorities compete with the mundane for my time and attention.
Can you remember a time in your life when things felt really overwhelming? What got you through it? Did you work your way through it? Or did something appear out of the blue when you finally let go?
Where in your life do you not trust the process? Where do you feel something needs to be happening that's not? Something's wrong. Something's missing. Where is the hardest part of your work to simply sit back and wait?
What do you do when you achieve something? What does it take for you to stop and appreciate who you are in your world, on your street, in your chair and what you bring me into the world just by being you? When do you have the hardest time sitting still?
Do you ever wonder why when you create something you can't seem to make it successful? Are you stopping short of completion? Are you expecting too much too soon? When it doesn't fulfill your demands, do you give up in disappointment? A few years ago, I participated in an Innovation Conference in Sophia Antipolis.
How do you get from good to great? Okay so you've created your product. You've got a first draft or a prototype or a template, or some first something going on. You're excited about it. You want to put it out in the world. But you're not sure if it's quite ready.
What are you harvesting in your life? What do you feel you have to put out into the world? And when you finally reach the point of putting it out there, what do you do? The first step of these 12 was to tell the truth, to be honest with yourself: What are you passionate about?