Listly by Celeste Shirley
A holistic and joyful experience where you get to explore your interest in yoga.
When you join my yoga class, I help you identify any potential musculoskeletal, postural or health concerns you may be experiencing to allow your movement during yoga to feel right. And work right. When you feel good, I can see you feel good. Yoga can be hard, and it’s easier with a watchful eye that notices your knee isn’t aligned or your neck is too far back. Come to these small yoga classes to feel how much you can strengthen .
Fish pose stretches the front of the body, particularly:
** Cautions:
**Abnormal Blood Pressure
Yoga for Anxiety
When you're stressed and anxious, it's hard to focus on anything else. The word stress can be used to describe almost anything in your everyday life that causes you to feel uneasy or uncomfortable. You can experience stress at work, at school, with family, friends; or even due to your own personal pressures or worries. Stress is nothing new though and has been around for years. What's new is the way that people are using yoga to help control their anxiety and stress levels.
This pose can be done in lotus, cross legged or with the legs straight in front if it is too difficult to cross the legs. If you can work towards doing half lotus (one leg on top of opposite thigh) then the pose is even more beneficial for the low back, legs and hips.
This pose will:
Cobra pose:
Sphinx Pose is often a better alternative for those who cannot practice Cobra pose due to back issues, especially lower back. Sphinx pose helps in :
-stabilizes the shoulders
Why do our hamstrings get so tight? There are no activities we do throughout our day that lengthens these muscles that insert behind the knee and up into our buttocks.
Hamstrings :
helps reduce low back pain
Nothing bad can happen if you keep breathing and avoid locking the knee if the back of the knee hurts.
To get your legs up the wall, bring your side waist up to the baseboard and tuck your knees into the chest, then lie on your side in tucked position, pivoting your tailbone until it touches the baseboard.
Legs up the Wall is a relaxing pose (yin) and fabulous for tired legs.
Alleviates tired legs. It also :
Benefits of shoulder stand:
Celeste teaches how to use the mind's energy to live a life that honours your emotional needs and learn how to trust your body's signals.
When you do these moves, the anxiety is unable to be convincing: the movements shown here will help cancel and deploy negative, rushing thoughts that are trying to cause you to feel like you are doomed. The brain will change and activate the relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system) to relax muscle tension, slow down brain waves and allow you to embody (feel like you) your self.
The poses will stretch:
-rib cage,
-quads (thighs).
Celeste teaches how to use the mind's energy to live a life that honours your emotional needs and learn how to trust your body's signals.