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Updated by Arihant Jain on Oct 14, 2022
Arihant Jain Arihant Jain
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Top 5 Essential Oil Brands in India

Here I have listed top 5 most favorite Indian Essential Oil Brands which I usually buy online. I buy them from


Ittarstore from Arihant Fragrance

Ittarstore from Arihant Fragrance

Ittarstore is an online brand from Arihant Fragrance who sells various types of attars, essential oils and home fragrances. This business was established in 1979 in Janpath Delhi




This company was born out of a passion for creating premium, proven effective personal care, made from organic ingredients to elevate your natural beauty.




Deyga gave us a handful of their items a few months ago. Essential oil of lavender was one of the items. Actually, the oil is of pretty high quality.

It doesn't have a bad synthetic odour. I also tested it on paper. And the results were flawless. Not to worry! Deyga never paid us either, just like JC. They sent the goods so that we could assess them. And I said what I believed to be true.


Juicy Chemistry

Juicy Chemistry

I've probably been using various Juicy Chemistry products for more than six years. Their goods' chemistry and formulation are incredibly pure and innovative.


Aroma Treasures Essential Oils

Aroma Treasures Essential Oils

In the past 1.5 years, I have barely purchased any JC oils, the reason is the price. So, while the quality stays unbeatable, the price has become unbeatable too.

And thus, I was looking for an alternative. Fortunately, I found Aroma Treasures Essential Oils. The brand is not luxury and the oils are of good quality.