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Updated by Rajdeep Anand on Oct 27, 2022
6 items   1 followers   0 votes   2 views

Top 5 topics from ASP.Net Core to learn core, c#


Low level: JWT authentication implementation in Asp.Net Core C#

We'll see low level details of how we should implement JWT authentication in Asp.Net Core C#, best practices and key parameters


  • what is JWT
  • do you even need it ?
  • how to implement it in core application
  • best practice of implementation
  • get source code and video demonstration
Creating a Mongo DB based backend in ASP.Net Core API

We'll see how to setup a mongo database based Asp.Net Core API backend. Source code of the project as well.


  • What is Mongo DB
  • when to use Mongo DB
  • How to create an API with ASP.Net core C#
  • How to connect mongo Database with ASP.Net Core
  • Get the source code and practice
Easiest way to debug a JavaScript or Node application in VS code

We will see how to debug JavaScript or Node or React apps using Visual Studio Code, discussion on most common debugging issues with a video

Direct to Solution - Learn first, get hired later...

Learn good contents designed by industry experts on:
- Asp.Net Core
- C#
- OOPs
- Python
- Javascript
- Node
- React
- Azure

GitHub - qwertycod/ToDoApp2022

This project is a React + Redux + Asp.Net Core + JWT + MongoDb based ToDo application.
Designed by

When to make a class Static in C# or Java or typescript

We'll see when its best to use static class instead of other types of classes. Use of static class in a real world application. It applies to C#, Java & TypeScript

Many people either beginner or with experience struggle to get when to exactly make a class static or when to use a static class.

Situation where we need a class which act like a utility/toolbox/storeroom of common data across the application we should make it static.