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Updated by Rajdeep Anand on Oct 27, 2022
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Top 7 development solution for debugging JavaScript, C# & Node Js projects

Web development only


What is Json web token or JWT token

What is Json-web-token or JWT token. We'll see the use of JWT token and composition of JWT token. How JWT token is used in authentication.

Json web token or JWT is used to authenticate the API request in an application, it’s an open-source service and have been adopted by industry at large scale.

It’s a kind of key or secret-key or string which we send along with our request. The server after verifying this secret key allow the call to proceed, otherwise block it.​

Creating a React app with Dotnet Core as backend and publishing on Azure 

Creating React UI app with Dotnet Core as backend. Benefit: UI and backend runs on same host, so we don't get CORS issue.

Direct to Solution - Learn first, get hired later...

Learn first, get hired later... Direct to solution blogs from C#, , react and other topics

Create & Deploy a Node API app on Azure

We will see how to deploy a simple Node API app on Azure. We will make a simple GET call in it. You should have Azure subscription for it.

Easiest way to debug a JavaScript or Node application in VS code

We will see how to debug JavaScript or Node or React apps using Visual Studio Code, discussion on most common debugging issues with a video

n packages are looking for funding npm fund

Solution to npm fund issue. We get this error while installing packages via npm install / update saying n packages are looking for fund

Email sender Chrome extension

We'll see how to create the extension,
We want to have a browser extension which will
• On page load, will check all the valid email address on the page
• Will highlight all the valid email
• Will attach a click handler on the highlighted email I'ds
• On click of email Ids will open a small pop-up to ask (Send email on it ?)

   - On click on small pop-up will open another popup to show the actual mailer box
Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, chrome-untrusted...

Solution for: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'file:///D:/test.xml' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension & others