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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Best 4 Pagodas to Visit in Yangon, Myanmar – Enjoy the calm serenity of Myanmar’s culture and history
Joanna James Joanna James
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Best 4 Pagodas to Visit in Yangon, Myanmar – Enjoy the calm serenity of Myanmar’s culture and history

Myanmar is a country that has been isolated by large from the rest of the world for quite some time. It is one of the last true refuges of Theravada Buddhism in the world. If you do visit this country, you must visit a few of the ancient Pagodas that dot Myanmar.


Mahamuni Pagoda

The Mahanmuni Pagoda in Mandalay is home to some of the most revered Buddha statues in Myanmar. Over the years, the statue has been adorned in gold leaves, giving the statue an almost lumpy texture. The reason why this pagoda has become one of the important pilgrimage sites for the Burmese is that it is believed that the Buddha statue is alive. Each morning, a xylophone is played at 4 am to wake the Buddha and played again at 4 pm to put him to sleep. The Pagoda is also home to Khmer statues that are believed to have powers of healing ailments. If you have an ailment, it is believed that you will be cured if you rub the body part of the statue that is relevant to your ailment.


Kuthodaw Pagoda

This beautiful pagoda in Mandalay is dedicated to celebrating the teachings of the Buddha. The whole of the Pali canon is inscribed on marble slabs that adorn the 729 small stupas and encircle a large golden stupa. The inscriptions though are only understood by the monks who have embraced the path to enlightenment, though visitors can read the script, the meanings of the words are shrouded from them.


Kyauktawgyi Pagoda

In October, this pagoda located at the foot of Mandalay Hill attracts large crowds who come to enjoy the full moon festival. The celebrations go on for several days while neon lights bring the nights to life. However, the main attraction is the 8-metre-tall Buddha statue that serves as a centrepiece. The statue is carved from one giant slab of marble and weighs over 900 tons.



If you are interested in Buddhist culture, architecture or just history in general, you have to visit the plains of Bagan. It is the densest and the largest area of Buddhist ruins and temples in the world. The plains are believed to have once been the home to over 13000 pagodas and temples though only around 2200 remain intact today. The sites here are said to date back as far as the 9th century. Bagan is easily one of the most important historical sites in Myanmar. If you're staying at one of the 5-star hotels in Yangon like the highly acclaimed PARKROYAL Yangon, you can easily organise a vehicle and guide to take you to visit Bagan and other historical sites in the vicinity of the city.


Things to Know When Visiting the Pagodas

Keep in mind to dress yourselves covering your shoulders and knees when visiting Buddhist temples and remove your shoes before entering. It is also tradition not to sit with your feet facing statues of the Buddha, so be mindful to sit with your feet tucked in beneath you.

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