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Updated by dopah49211 on Sep 27, 2022
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Magento extensions

Magento extensions

Magento 2 API - SearchCriteria

Magento 2 API - SearchCriteria is useful to use the search & filter functionality of Magento in a third-party application. Here's the complete guide.

A Complete List Of Default Variables Used In Magento 2 Email Templates

You may want to bookmark this post for future reference as it has the complete list of default variables used in Magento 2 Email templates.

Solved: Magento 2.2.7 And 2.3 Admin Page Blank Issue

Magento 2 CMS is a suitable platform to run E-commerce business and it can be administered via admin panel. Admin is responsible for the functionalities of

How To Get Postback Data In Controller Or Model In Magento 2

In order to do so, you need to get postback data in controller or model in Magento 2 store.

How To Remove Search From Header In Magento 2

Learn how to programmatically remove search from header in Magento 2 store.

How To Decrease Magento 2 Stock Inventory On Invoice Instead Of Order

The programmatic solution to decrease Magento 2 stock inventory on invoice instead of orderĀ is given here.