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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Oct 01, 2024
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Coping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

For victims of PTSD and their loved ones, there is hope. Appropriate resources and treatment like these can help heal the inner injuries of a person battling PTSD and mitigate PTSD’s devastating impact on relationships.

PTSD and Your Marriage

Not only can PTSD drive a wedge between a husband and wife, it can devastate marriages. The good news is that a person who suffers trauma can recover and relationships can heal.

PTSD Family Coach | VA Mobile

PTSD Family Coach is for family members of those living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The app provides extensive information about PTSD, how to take care of yourself, how to take care of your relationship with your loved one or with children, and how to help your loved one get treatment.

PTSD: National Center for PTSD Home

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem that can occur after a traumatic event like war, assault, or disaster. PTSD treatment can help. Find handouts, apps, videos, and courses based on current research. This site provides educational resources for Veterans and also for health care providers, researchers, and the general public.

VA Caregiver Support Program Home

VA also has a number of services designed specifically to support you in your role as a Family Caregiver.

The Impact of PTSD on Military Families (Part 1 of 2)

A panel of guests discusses what post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is, how it impacts individuals and families, and where they can turn for help. (Part 1 of 2)

The Mighty Oaks Foundation – Veteran Recovery Programs & Support

The Mighty Oaks Foundation is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to helping veterans recover from ptsd and trauma. Learn more about our programs.

Understanding and Loving a Person with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

This book is a compassionate companion to those who love someone who has experienced severe trauma that left his or her brain changed by PTSD. As someone who suffered from PTSD herself, Becky Johnson knows what is most helpful on the path to recovery.

Celebrate Recovery Homepage

What is Celebrate Recovery?
It is a Christ centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.

It is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.

PTSD and Domestic Violence

Should special consideration be given to an abuser with post-traumatic stress disorder? My spouse recently returned from a two-year deployment overseas. In the month or two since he's been back I've noticed some disturbing changes in the way he treats me and the children. He's sullen and withdrawn. On occasion we've been subjected to verbal put-downs, emotional abuse, and even threats of physical violence. I'm afraid he may be suffering from the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder. If this is the case, how should it impact my response to his behavior? Is there anything special I need to know?

Here we will focus on the emotional consequences of trauma that can affect any one of us as an individual. Such trauma results in emotional pain, distress, a sense of shock and threat that overwhelms one’s usual abilities to cope

Combat Trauma Healing Manual

This manual offers spiritual solutions for your struggles with PTSD. It combines the latest insights of the medical and counseling communities with the timeless principles of God’s Word.

When War Comes Home

This book offers comfort and practical help to the wives of combat veterans struggling with the hidden wounds of war, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

What to Do When Tragedy Impacts Your Family (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. H. Norman Wright offers hope and practical advice for enduring suffering, crisis, and loss, and finding healing afterward.

PTSD Guide - Lighthouse Network

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition that sometimes develops after exposure to a dangerous, terrifying, or stressful event. This disorder is very treatable; however, treatment should occur as soon as possible after the traumatic event to allow the person the best chance at full recovery.

He Returned Home a Troubled Man

Rusty Mauney couldn’t forget his wartime experience in Iraq. As he found relief in alcohol, his wife, Marsha, began asking God to save their marriage.

Psychological Trauma: What Was Intended for Evil God Can Use for Good

Psychological trauma can have lasting effects on our children. However, the traumatic experiences that the enemy would use for harm, God can use for good.

How Do I Recover from an Unbearable Tragedy?

Some tragedies make life feel barely worth living anymore. So is there any hope that we could one day be happy and at peace again?

Advice for the Christian Soldier Returning Home

We recently received a letter from a soldier serving in Iraq who will be coming home to the States soon. He asked Boundless for advice on how a Christian soldier’s faith should be involved in how he returns back to civilian life after being at war.

Trauma in Relationships: Military Couple Thankful to God

A Naval Corpsman's injury in Afghanistan changed his career and his marriage. But God used the trauma for good.

When Combat Trauma Tests a Marriage

PTSD impacts not just veterans but their spouses and children too. How can the church help military families heal?

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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