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Updated by Geoff Neupert on Aug 09, 2023
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Double Kettlebell Complex Workouts

Learn the secrets to getting the fastest results possible with kettlebell training.

Kettlebell Workouts - CHASING STRENGTH.

Kettlebell Workouts Have Gained Tremendous Popularity Over The Last 20+ Years.
And for great reason:
They deliver results!

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout - Oh Row You Don't 2 0

It’s a challenging time-efficient kettlebell complex workout that’s great for general conditioning, fat loss, and building some muscle on the upper back, shoulders, and posterior chain.

Double Kettlebell Complex - "Ballistic Beatdown:" Light Day

This double kettlebell complex workout is a great for general conditioning, fat loss, and building some muscle on the upper back, shoulders, and posterior chain.

4 Tips To Combine Kettlebell & Bodyweight Exercises In Your Workouts And Still Make Make Progress

Here are 4 tips for how to get you started:
[1] Pick the KB exercises you want to include
[2] Pick the bodyweight exercises you want to include
[3] Pick your frequency (2 to 5 times a week)
[4] Remember, there’s an inverse correlation between frequency and volume -
… as volume increases, you’ll need more rest days to recover, so you can’t train as frequently.

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press - Rep Max Test

The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press is arguably the most "complete" kettlebell exercise you can do to change your capability and your appearance.
Performing the Clean & Press with a pair of kettlebells is one of the most complete “exercises” there is.

Double Kettlebell Complex - “Lucky 13”

Well designed double kettlebell complex workouts can take as little 7 minutes a day, depending on the double kettlebell exercises you select, the number of in each set, and the number of sets per workout that you do.

Double Kettlebell Complex - “You Don’t Know Squat, 2.0”

This is a great kettlebell complex that will demand your attention leaving no muscle unused when done for maximum rounds and minimal rest: Abs, legs, hips, upper back, shoulders, arms and hands. It’s a great kettlebell workout for stimulate fat loss because the front squat restricts the movement of your ribcage, preventing you from taking a full breath. This of course limits your oxygen and the amount of air you can consume.

Double Kettlebell Complex Fat Loss Workout - “The Universe”

Well constructed double kettlebell complex fat loss workouts can take as little as 10 to 15 minutes a day, depending on the double kettlebell exercises you use, the reps per set, and the number of rounds you do.

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout For Fat Loss - “The A&P”

Remember to keep your abs pressurized - they’ll most likely “feel the love” after the Push Presses.
This double kettlebell complex for burning fat is one of four days - Anterior, Day 1 - inside a program called, “The A&P,” a double kettlebell complex workout program. It’s designed primarily for fat loss AND building lean muscle.

Double Kettlebell Complex For Fat Loss - “Herky-Jerky,”

Properly designed double kettlebell complexes for fat loss can take as little as 10 minutes, depending on how many of the double kettlebell workouts you include in them.
This double kettlebell complex for fat loss in this video is the Light Day of a 3-day a week, 6-week program called “Herky Jerky,” which is based around the Jerk.

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout Fat Loss - “The Upper Back Attack”

This double kettlebell complex workout will challenge you physically but it’s not too bad mentally.

Double Kettlebell Complex Fat Loss Workout - “The Up & Over” Double Kettlebell Complex Fat Loss

This one is brutal on the posterior chain and upper back combining some advanced double kettlebell workouts: The double kettlebell swing, double kettlebell high pull, double kettlebell snatch, and the double kettlebell push press.

Double Kettlebell Complex Workout - Sir Snatch A Lot

A well designed double kettlebell complex workout includes most of the major movement patterns: hinge, squat, push, pull and can take as little as 10minutes, depending on how many double kettlebell exercises you build into them.

Double Kettlebell Complex For Faster Fat Loss - "Jerk Werk"

Using this double kettlebell complex for faster fat loss will be challenging - it’s called “Jerk Werk,” and is based around the double kettlebell jerk.

Double Kettlebell Complex Fat Loss - "The Shoulder Smoker,"

You can do these double complex workouts as full, stand-alone workouts, as general conditioning work (GPP) on separate days from your main workouts or tacked on the back of them, pure fat loss programs if you're in a caloric deficit, or even build muscle if you're in a caloric surplus

Double Kettlebell Complex For Fat Loss - "The Olympic 3.0,"

The double kettlebell complex for fat loss in this video is the Light Day of a 3-day a week, 6-week program called “The Universe,” found inside “More Kettlebell Muscle.”
It’s based on the double kettlebell swing.

Why I swallowed my pride and finally got certified as a kettlebell instructor?

When my clients and I first started kettlebell training in 2002, we all had bruises on the back of our wrists and shoulders. (From the bells slamming on them...Check out ‘THE BIG 6’ here. link description here

The “CORE” of your Kettlebell workouts/training?

In the last video, I covered Level 1 kettlebell training the Swing, Turkish Get Up, and the Goblet Squat. Today, I'm going to dive into Level 2. This level f...

Getting Serious: LEVEL 4 Kettlebell training

After you worked your way through LEVELS 1,2 and 3, you may be up for a bigger challenge. Enter LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell Training.
Stay Strong, Geoff

Shooting yourself in the foot - LEVEL 4 Kettlebell Workout Woes

1️⃣ Double KB training plays by different “rules” than single KB training.
2️⃣ Most people are taught that their single KB technique has to “look” a certain way.
3️⃣ Their physical limitations were not addressed and / or alleviated through proper single KB technique and programming.

Your FOUNDATIONAL LEVEL 4 kettlebell exercise

Most people think that the LEVEL 4 double KB training is built off the Swing, just like the single KB exercises. That’s not the case. Get your copy of Kettlebell STRONG! Here.

“Surfing” the 5 LEVEL Pyramid + “Incognito” LEVEL 5 programs

[+] Technique/ Skill → Strength → Power → Strength Endurance → Power Endurance
[+] Simple → Complex
[+] Low reps → Medium reps → High reps
[+] Low volume (work) → Medium volume (work) → Large volume (work)
[+] Low effort (intensity - effort relative to max) → Medium effort (intensity - effort relative to max) → High effort (intensity - effort relative to max)

The *BEST* LEVEL 4 kettlebell exercises…?

As you know by now, the LEVEL 4 kettlebell exercises are truly “next level” and are based upon the Double Front Squat (DFSQ). Get your copy of Kettlebell STRONG! AND “THE FOUNDATION” program here.

The most “TRANSFORMATIVE” LEVEL 4 kettlebell exercise(s) (10 REASONS)

People often ask me what I think are the BEST kettlebell exercises to do. In my last email I said the Top 3 LEVEL 4 exercises were the Double Front Squat (DFSQ), the Double Clean (DCL), and the Double Military Press (DMP).