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Updated by projectglobalcureorganization on Sep 23, 2022
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Project Global Cure Organization

Project Global Cure is a Humanity Welfare Council drive that plans to change the medical care area in India by giving fundamental assets to individuals needing clinical help and propelling the clinical framework with expanded openness.

Healthcare NGO In India,India's Best Medical Fundraising Platform,Raise funds for Medical Expenses in India

Project Global Cure is India's largest and most trustworthy online charity donation platform,Donate to India's Best NGOs and causes including health, education, elderly care and more,we also provide quality health services with increased accessibility to transform the health sector and build a healthy India by 2030.

Through The Eyes Of Project Global Cure: How To Deal With A Narcissist

There are some people that are seen having narcissistic personality disorder. It is a mental condition in which people think highly of themselves and have an inflated sense of self-importance, have a deep need of seeking attention, admiration but also suffer from troubled relationships and lack empathy for others.

How Can Excessive Screen Time Affect Your Health and Well-Being?

Excessive screen time has become a serious concern among people with the advent of digitization and the advancement of digital technology. This has pushed researchers, practitioners, and society, on the whole, to focus on digital well-being.

Marburg And Ebola, The Two Close Cousins Of Same Family

What is MARV? Marburg virus (MARV) is a hemorrhagic fever virus that belongs to the Filoviridae family of viruses and causes Marburg virus disease in primates, a form of viral hemorrhagic fever. It is a genetically unique RNA zoonotic virus of this family.

Increased Stress and Anxiety Contributes to Risk of Heart Disease

Stress and anxiety are at an all-time high for many individuals due to the ongoing pandemic. There can be various reasons for stress. It can be emotional, worrying about not having enough of something, or the death of a loved one.

Does A Cup Of Coffee Fuel You Better Or Happy Thoughts?

A bad day with coffee is not better than a good day with positive thoughts! There may be many reasons for which one takes coffee to kick start the day but a day started with prayers, positivity, and hope makes us have a new beginning and gives us another chance to start afresh, rise from our dullness and achieve our goals. Some people have the tendency to start their day

Accountability | Project Global Cure -Transforming The Health Sector |PGC

PGC establishes a long-term commitment towards India's health with sincerity towards its members, donors, and needy people who approach us for help.

Project Global Cure - Transforming The Health Sector - PGC.

We are thankful to Samudayik Vikas Samiti for supporting us. Samudayik Vikas Samiti is a Civil Non-Government Organization located in New Delhi, with its efforts on the sphere of social development to provide the equitable sharing of resources, social justice, and sustainable livelihood promotion for the deprived sections of the society.

Why Menstruation Hygiene Talk Is A Taboo: Face The Change And Have A Happy Period

During a normal menstrual cycle, a female sheds the lining of uterus. This cycle is part of the reproductive system and prepares the body for a possible pregnancy. It is also called a period, menses or cycle. To know about menstruation hygiene, it’s important to understand first, the phenomenon of menstruation. SO READ ON…..

Understanding Sleep Apnea: Why Does It Happen, and What You Should Know?

Are you a persistent heavy snorer at night? If yes, you could be suffering from sleep apnea disorder, a condition considered a serious medical condition in the 21st century. Snoring is a widely prevalent problem for over 40% of males and 24% of females worldwide. In most cases, snoring is a nuisance for the sleep partners. Other times, though, snoring can signify a more serious health problem called sleep apnea.

PGC Organization (@OrganizationPgc) / Twitter

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Self-Care in Everyday Life: Why Is It So Important to Take Care of Yourself?

Self-care is of paramount importance and the first step towards taking care of mental health. It can be described as the art of looking after oneself. Self-care should include physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, financial, psychological, and relational health indicators. Its benefits are better health and well-being.

How To Allergy-Proof Your Home | Tips From Project Global Cure

What Are Allergies? Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen bee venom, or a pet dander or food that does not cause a reaction in most people. Allergy symptoms range from mild – rash or hives, itchiness, runny nose, watery/red eyes – to life-threatening.

Rise in Cardiac Problems Among Indians: Fitness Doesn't Mean Healthy.

Fitness regimes, weight loss programs, workouts, diets are all buzzwords today. Most of us are involved in many physical activities to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight.

Mental Health Matters: Are We Still Living in Denial About Our Mental Health?

We are all aware of the fact that living in India could be taxing. Right from getting admissions to institutions, commuting to any place, surviving the roads and the unpredictable rains, it could be incredibly challenging. Normal life is so strenuous that frustration, anger, sadness, worry, disappointment, and anxiety are just part of life. Yet, talking about mental health awareness is considered taboo in India.

PGC Organization (pgcorganization) | Pearltrees | NGO in India

Project Global Cure is a Humanity Welfare Council drive that plans to change the medical care area in India. Noida. Mental Health Matters Are We Still Living in


The immune system is the soldier of the human body which fights against foreign invaders, microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungus etc. and harmful chemicals to protect our body system.