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Updated by Manish Patel on Feb 28, 2025
Manish Patel Manish Patel
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PVC Pipe

PVC pipe is one of the safest and most tested materials used in North America. For over 60 years, every aspect of its production, use and disposal has been evaluated and approved by government and independent certification and testing agencies.

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight can affect the outermost surface of PVC pipe. However, even after prolonged exposure, there is no practical effect on PVC pipe’s performance characteristics


PVC pipe manufacturing

PVC pipe manufacturing

There are no smokestacks at PVC pipe facilities, which means PVC pipe manufacturing is often powered by green energy sources like wind and solar, further reducing its carbon footprint, which is already the lowest of all underground piping materials.

This document has been developed by the Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association for use as a field installation guide.General information regarding the correct installation of gasketed-joint PVC pressure pipe is included.


Installation Guide for Gasketed Joint PVC Pressure Pipe

Installation Guide for Gasketed Joint PVC Pressure Pipe

When a load of pipe arrives at the job site, it is your responsibility to check it thoroughly. If possible, inspect each piece for damage. Check quantities against the shipping list. Note that the policy of most pipe manufacturers is that once the pipe leaves the manufacturer’s plant, it becomes the property of the shipping company. Any damaged or missing items should be documented on the bill of lading. Set aside any damaged items and notify the shipper.

  • Uni Bell is to promote use of longer-life, lower-maintenance, corrosion-proof PVC piping in water and wastewater systems for real sustainability, strength and long-term asset management.

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