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Updated by Ammaari Stones on Aug 08, 2023
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Ammaari Stones

Ammaari Stones are a leading supplier of bricks, natural stone and porcelain paving to both retail and trade customers throughout the UK. We have built a reputation for supplying the highest quality goods available whilst maintaining the most competitive prices on the market. We deliver quality products at unbeatable prices and we complement this with outstanding customer service through our dedicated customer services team. With us you will have our full attention from start to finish.

So often you come across a patio that might have been fantastic once, but is now disfigured by moss and algae because it was just too much trouble to look after. But all a path or patio made up of Indian Raj Green sandstone needs is a brief blast from a pressure-washer and everything is spotless again - without any possibility of damage to the stone’s colour or finish. This means that your paths and patios look as good in ten years time as they did on the day they were laid down.

Why We Are Your Best Choice For Black Limestone Slabs Supplier?

But there is so much more to these black limestone slabs than simple beauty. Having paving that looks good and enhances your space is important of course, but ease of maintenance is also a critically important factor. The is little benefit to be had from a patio that looks great when it is laid but declines quickly into a mess of scruffy moss and algae because it is too hard to keep clean.

If you lay our Rippon buff sandstone slabs in your outdoor space you will also benefit from the Natural slip resistance of the material. The water-resisting nature of the slabs means that they are naturally non-slip, which not only makes them exceptionally well-suited to British patios, which some years are likely to be wet for more days than they are dry, but also makes then the perfect choice for swimming pools too.

This density also means that our kotah black paving slabs give an incredibly durable surface which is hard to damage and so will always retain its beauty. The texture of the limestone also provides a naturally non-slip surface, even when wet.

Rippon Buff Indian Sandstone Paving Slabs | Calibrated Patio Packs

Rippon Buff Indian Sandstone Paving Slabs features a range of cream, brown, orange and purple tones throughout the surface to brighten up the landscape.

Is The Indian Raj Green Sandstone Good Value For Money?

If you want to enjoy the beauty of natural stone paving but would prefer something a little more uniform you might want to take a look at our suggest our kandla grey indian stone. This stylish grey sandstone offers all the benefits of Indian Raj Green sandstone, but in an attractive silver grey hue. Whichever you choose, you can be sure that it will enhance your outdoor space for decades to come.

We have a wide range of high-quality engineering facing bricks for both retail and trade customers throughout the UK. Order online.

7 Benefits Of Using Rippon Buff Sandstone

If you lay our Rippon buff sandstone slabs in your outdoor space you will also benefit from the Natural slip resistance of the material. The water-resisting nature of the slabs means that they are naturally non-slip, which not only makes them exceptionally well-suited to British patios, which some years are likely to be wet for more days than they are dry, but also makes then the perfect choice for swimming pools too.

Achieve a contemporary look with Kotah Blue Limestone

Our Kotah Blue limestone slabs bring an instant feeling of contemporary style and sophistication to your garden. Also sometimes referred to simply as “Kota Blue” slabs, this natural paving surface brings a crisply refreshing aethetic to your outdoor space.

If you want an even darker finish our Kotah Black limestone paving slabs are a perfect choice. Whether you go for black or blue hues Kotah limestone paving represents a real investment in your property. The naturally rugged beauty of these stone surfaces will enhance the look of your patios and pathways and patios when the time comes for you to move on will attract a great deal of positive attention

All you need to know about grey limestone paving

Both our Grey Limestones and our Raj Green Indian sandstone are wonderfully environmentally friendly products. These natural stones are just quarried, cut and dressed. Nothing else. The naturally occurring colours in the stone do not involve the use of harmful chemicals

All you need to know about grey limestone paving

Grey limestone paving is a natural way to bring the beauty of stone into your outdoor space. The attractively rugged beauty of these flagstones presents you with an array of natural shades from light greens and browns running through every slab amidst the grey.

Find a wide range of reclaimed engineering bricks, well preserved high quality old bricks which are even in colour size, ideal for building restoration and extensions!

Indian Limestone Paving Slabs are the most popular to mimic the appearance of your garden or landscape They are available in different colours, shapes sizes.

Just like in the olden days, limestone is still a popular building material. It was one of the building blocks of the Egyptian pyramids. Given the strength of the pyramids, it’s safe to say that you can trust Limestone Slab because of its durability. Other reasons people choose limestone for paving include:
• Availability in a wide variety of colours
• Makes living spaces beautiful
• Easy to maintain
• Slip-resistant

Why Is Sandstone Paving So Popular For Garden Makeovers?

Sandstones are becoming popular each day for people who want to pave their gardens. What makes Sandstone Paving Slabs attractive, and why should you choose them?

You need a paving material that leaves your space looking attractive, clean, and habitable. Sandstone Paving is exactly what you should go for. Apart from having a wide variety of colours, you can choose the style and tone you love. Its uniqueness also places it among the materials you shouldn’t overlook when you want a beautiful garden space.

What is Class B Engineering Brick?

A Class B engineering brick will have slightly less compression strength and be a little more porous than its Class A cousin, with a water absorption rate that can be up to 7%.

How Rippon Buff Paving Slabs Effortlessly Add Colour To Your Garden

The natural way in which this gorgeous stone is quarried also makes Rippon Sandstone an environmentally sound choice – and the positive environmental impact does not just stop at manufacture. Should you ever decide to redesign your outdoor space the paving slabs can be lifted and re-used multiple times. Their natural colours also work well with retaining walls constructed from dark coloured reclaimed engineering bricks, so your whole garden project can be kind to the Earth as well as beautiful.

This Rippon Buff Sawn Indian Sandstone Paving mixed size patio project pack unique blend of cream, light pink, golden brown colours and has bands of light brown running through the stone to create a subtle yet vibrant characteristic.

Perfect for your garden, our Kotah Blue Indian Limestone, also known as Kota Blue, features a light blend of natural greys with a hint of blue throughout the surface of each slab. The lightly riven surface of these patio slabs results in a naturally frost resistant and non-slip paving stone, perfect for patios, paths and swimming pools.

Why Are Italian Porcelain Paving Slabs The Best?

The rugged beauty of natural stone has long been the preferred material for outdoor paving and this is not really a surprise. After all Indian sandstone slabs offer a durable, hard wearing surface which is reliably non-slip and perhaps more importantly brings the beauty of nature to your outdoor space. When you use Indian Sandstone slabs to build your paths and patios you bring the countryside to your outdoor space, no matter how urban your environment.

We are pleased to be able to report that there is Porcelain patio slabs bring with them the same benefits as natural sandstone but with a more modern, sleeker, urban look. Porcelain paving slabs are every bit as durable as limestone – in fact they are considerably harder than limestone and more than capable of handling the rigours of domestic life.

So the answer to the question “why reclaimed bricks?” must surely be “why not?” There is no reason not to re-use limestone paving, for example. If you lift the slabs carefully to avoid breaking them it is a simple matter to build a new patio out of an old one. That is one of the selling points of limestone slabs – the rock they are made of is already billions of years old, so you can expected them to have an effectively infinite useful lifespan.

Because the do require some processing and cleaning up reclaimed engineering bricks are not free. But they are less expensive than new engineering bricks which means that they can dramatically reduce the cost of your construction project. And of course every time you re-use a brick you are saving an awful lot of water and energy that does not need to be used to create a new brick, which can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your build.