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Updated by Chuck Kent on Sep 18, 2013
Chuck Kent Chuck Kent
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#SocialSong Saturday honorees

Good people to follow on Twitter, as featured in the weekly "Twitter Love Song"

Danielle Terreri (smxplorer) on Twitter

The latest from Danielle Terreri (@smxplorer). Where digital thought leaders come to play. A digital marketing blog designed to push the thinking and question the status quo. Top 40 in Ad Age Power 150

Derrick Golon (DerGolon) on Twitter

The latest from Derrick Golon (@DerGolon). Marketing / Information Systems major @loyolaquinlan Aspiring autuer and founder of #CliffDwellerNutCo All my thoughts are completely mine & only mine. 312 & 219

Barry Feldman (FeldmanCreative) on Twitter

The latest from Barry Feldman (@FeldmanCreative). copywriter ♪ creative director ♪ content marketing consultant ♪ string man ♪ family man ♪ effective online marketing man I'm right here. Need help?

Louis Gudema (LouisGudema) on Twitter

The latest from Louis Gudema (@LouisGudema). Experienced digital marketing maven and enterprise sales guy; husband, father, cyclist. Boston area

Branding Magazine (brandingmag) on Twitter

The latest from Branding Magazine (@brandingmag). Join the conversation and follow the latest updates, case studies and insights from industry leaders around the world. #branding. Worldwide

Brian Vickery (dbvickery) on Twitter

The latest from Brian Vickery (@dbvickery). Love my Vickery Girls. A Mantis principal. #PulseAnalytics social #monitoring and #sentimentanalysis Tennis, Broncos, Longhorns. Parker, CO

The 3% Conference (3PercentConf) on Twitter

The latest from The 3% Conference (@3PercentConf). Women influence 80% of consumer spending yet only 3% of ad creative directors are women | 2nd Annual Conference Oct 16-17, 2013 in SF | Founded @KatGordon. Silicon Valley

J-P De Clerck (conversionation) on Twitter

The latest from J-P De Clerck (@conversionation). People-centric digital business & marketing consultant. Helping organizations build bridges & connect the human/social/cultural dots. Opinions mine. Earth

Marjorie Clayman (MargieClayman) on Twitter

The latest from Marjorie Clayman (@MargieClayman). VP of Client Dev. @ Clayman Marketing Communications, a full service marketing firm in Akron, Ohio. Everlasting gobstopper of nice. ~Sean McGinnis. Akron, Ohio, USA

Chris Westfall (westfallonline) on Twitter

The latest from Chris Westfall (@westfallonline). National elevator pitch champion. Sales and leadership development coach. Keynote #Speaker #Author What's Your Story? Website: Dallas, TX

Mashable Business (mashbusiness) on Twitter

The latest from Mashable Business (@mashbusiness). News about small business, advertising & marketing, money & finance, plus careers and business apps from @Mashable

Michael Cudahy (MDCudahy) on Twitter

The latest from Michael Cudahy (@MDCudahy). President at Big Brand Boost - Social Media, Branding and Marketing. I'm a nut for cigars, rugby and my 3 dogs!. Atanta, GA

Dino Dogan (dinodogan) on Twitter

The latest from Dino Dogan (@dinodogan). Founder of Triberr | Blogger | Quiet Reader | Loud Speaker | Lousy Martial Artist | Singer | Songwriter | Recovering Engineer | Global Force for Badassery. Hi. New Jersey

mark-making (markmaking1995) on Twitter

The latest from mark-making (@markmaking1995). mark-making* is a web design, graphic design & branding agency. Through the efficient and appropriate delivery of great ideas, we help others make their mark. Chipping Norton

Andy Crestodina (crestodina) on Twitter

The latest from Andy Crestodina (@crestodina). Web strategist and co-founder of Orbit Media (@orbiteers). Speaker, content marketer, environmentalist and author: Chicago, IL - Ravenswood

Bruce Nussbaum (brucenussbaum) on Twitter

The latest from Bruce Nussbaum (@brucenussbaum). My book, Creative Intelligence: Harnessing the Power to Create, Connect and Inspire, is available now.

Siegel+Gale (SiegelGale) on Twitter

The latest from Siegel+Gale (@SiegelGale). A global strategic branding firm specializing in strategy, customer experience, design and naming. We are the simplicity company. US, UK, GERMANY, UAE, CHINA

Lou Hoffman (LouHoffman) on Twitter

The latest from Lou Hoffman (@LouHoffman). Head a #PR company with offices in the U.S., Asia including #China and Europe ( Fervent believer in the art of #storytelling in business. Silicon Valley

Pam Moore (PamMktgNut) on Twitter

The latest from Pam Moore (@PamMktgNut). 50% mktg 50% geek CEO @MktgNutz entrepreneur social business consultant, speaker author lover of God Friends Beach & Life! Forbes TOP 10 Social Media Influencer. Orlando, FL

Lindsay Bell (belllindsay) on Twitter

The latest from Lindsay Bell (@belllindsay). Content Director at Arment Dietrich Inc.. Strong advocate of 3 minutes or less of video content. Wife, mom, grammar freak & music fanatic. Toronto

Steve Farnsworth (Steveology) on Twitter

The latest from Steve Farnsworth (@Steveology). A Forbes Top 50 Social Media Influencer and communications strategist who helps tech companies increase targeted lead generation and customer retention. Silicon Valley

Sam Fiorella (samfiorella) on Twitter

The latest from Sam Fiorella (@samfiorella). Co-author of Influence Marketing | Partner at Sensei Marketing | HuffPo Contributor | Rutgers CMD MBA faculty | #bizforum debate mod. Toronto, Canada

TheJackB (TheJackB) on Twitter

The latest from TheJackB (@TheJackB). Father/Writer/Making crazy look normal day by day Los Angeles/Fort Worth, TX

Jason Konopinski (jasonkonopinski) on Twitter

The latest from Jason Konopinski (@jasonkonopinski). Copywriter and content strategist for hire. Always seeking new opportunities to collaborate creatively. Host, @RoWPodcast. Hanover, PA

Gini Dietrich (ginidietrich) on Twitter

The latest from Gini Dietrich (@ginidietrich). CEO Arment Dietrich. Author @spinsucks. Co-author Marketing in the Round. Founder @spinsuckspro. Speaker. Avid cyclist. A foodie. Loves shoes & wine. Chicago, IL