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Updated by peoplehqnz on Nov 13, 2022
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Business Consultant Company in Rotorua

Starting a New Business? Seek Advice from a Qualified Consultant to get it Right

Whether you are looking for business consultant or a human resource company in Rotorua, PeopleHQ is the best one to hire. The team is highly professional, skilled and highly experienced to help businesses to get ahead!

Subject Selection and your Career Pathway

After a turbulent few years in the life of a secondary school student, subject selection approaches quickly and the decision making is a challenging one.  Many students are suffering from a bit of burn out and anxiety around constantly changing circumstances in the school environment.

Not Getting the Results you Want? Tips to Improve CV Right Now

Take some time to categorize the points you need to include in the CV. You should concentrate on what the recruiter needs to know. If you are unable to produce it on your own, you can also follow New Zealand CV templates from reputable sites with templates and samples to design the CV that perfectly fits you.

Poor Performance – What’s your appetite for putting up with it?

Poor performance can be linked to poor recruitment decisions, ensure your recruitment processes are sound, particularly asking the right questions of referees.  If time allows and you have the capability, do some recruitment assessment as part of your process (this may be psychometri

Avoid the Pitfalls of Engaging Employment Issue Help - PeopleHQ

Got an employment issue? Know the difference between advocacy, legal representation and Human Resources support to get it right.

Website at

Let’s look at your obligations as an employee, and some realistic ways to help you make it through a hangover day on the job.