Listly by Joanna James
A tropical paradise with abundant marine life and white sandy beaches, the Maldives is a must-visit for every tourist with a thirst for adventure, fun, and novelty.
Snorkelling tops the list of things to do in the Maldives. The resplendent marine life, rich with whale sharks, turtles, manta rays, and vibrantly hued coral reefs, brings you plenty of snorkelling opportunities. Those who dare to go under the water in search of beautiful tropical fish are sure to have many memorable encounters. Many hotels and resorts in the country cater to water sports, too. The best thing to do is to find an accommodation provider that will make all the arrangements for you to enjoy snorkelling.
The Maldives is all about novelty. The delightful blend of the blue ocean and palm-dotted beaches is utilised in the most inventive ways to bring you fun and unique activities. Underwater dining is one such activity that’s sure to bring you fun and joy. Imagine yourself in the company of your loved ones, savouring the most delicious foods and drinks while being surrounded by enchanting marine life. Also, underwater dining is one of the top romantic things to do in the Maldives.
To explore the marine life in the Maldives some more, sign up for a diving excursion. You can explore the beautiful underwater world at a relaxed speed and see the most beautiful marine creatures. However, you shouldn’t touch the fragile coral reefs and marine creatures. They are conserved through many projects sponsored by private and public entities in the country. Also, here’s something to think about: you can take part in marine conservation if you choose an eco-resort in Maldives for your holiday.
This is one of the most thrilling water sports, but it’s also the easiest to learn. You’ll be riding across the waves on a watercraft called a jet ski. An excellent sport to learn to balance and coordinate; the sport will also strengthen your leg muscles. Unlike Reethi Faru Resort, some resorts don’t offer the activity, so it’s important that you find one that does.
One of the most thrilling activities that there is, flyboarding is a must for tourists who like to challenge themselves. As the name suggests, you’ll fly over the water on a board attached to a watercraft. The board is propelled through a hose that connects the board and the watercraft. You can go up to 15 metres in the air, but if you are a beginner, you shouldn’t go that far. This is one of the most extreme water sports and not one for the fainthearted.
Also called boardsailing and sailboarding, windsurfing is surfing with the help of the wind. This brings surfing and sailing together, making it a challenging sport. Learning to surf on a surfboard is much easier than trying to surf with a sail attached to the surfboard. This means that if you are to windsurf in the Maldives, you need to be a little experienced, not to mention adventurous. You shouldn’t worry, though; there are plenty of water sports instructors that will help you get the hang of it.
Another extreme water sport offered by the Maldives, kiteboarding, also called kitesurfing, involves windsurfing, paragliding, wakeboarding, snowboarding, and skateboarding. You will glide over the water at a considerable speed with the help of a kite. You will be pulled by the kite fuelled by the wind. The speed that you should go at depends on your skill level. Speeds from 15 mph to 25 mph are normal for a beginner, but a professional kiteboarder can go up to around 60 mph! It all depends on how adventurous you want to be during your holiday.
A true believer that the pen is a mighty weapon, ventures into reaching the minds of every reader with the earnest hope of leaving an indelible stream of thought.
A travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world.