The first step when starting on your coffee journey is to discover which beans and blends you love the best, whether it's the dulcet spicy sweer notes of silky coffee brewed out of Arabica beans, the earthy zest of Robusta in barista blends, or the controversial flavour arising from the Liberica bean, which has been described both as 'deliciously smoky' and 'like burnt garbage'! However, while we throw around the word 'bean' about these fragrant pods of goodness, coffee beans are seeds that pith the cherry-like coffee berry but are closer in their resemblance to legumes. The most common varieties of these plants are the delicate Coffea Arabica, with its large oval dark-green leaves and elongated beans, and the more resilient Coffea Canephora, with its smaller and rounder beans obtained from hardier berries.