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Updated by Kelly Chester on Sep 09, 2013
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21st Century Videos

Short descriptions of nine 21st videos ranked in order of most effective (9) to least effective (1) in terms of starting a conversation on the 21st century learner and learning


1. 21st Century Learning Matters

1. 21st Century Learning Matters

This video describes how technology is changing the way learners learn - new thinking in a global information saturated world. Because learning can occur anywhere and anytime, educators can no longer expect confirmative learning. Education in the 21st Century must prepare students to problem solve, analyze, evaluate, think critically, and direct their own learning.


2. Teaching the 21st Century Learner

2. Teaching the 21st Century Learner

This video discusses and illustrates how teaching and learning really didn't change between the 19th and 20th century. It then goes on to show how 21st century students are different than students of the past - they are part of a Digital Generation - tech savvy, collaborative, globally connected, creative, and innovative.


3. 21st Century Literacy

3. 21st Century Literacy

This video demonstrates how literacy is evolving. Literacy is no longer just reading and writing; 21st century literacy involves all forms of communication (audio, visual, textual) with a global audience.


4. A vision of Students Today

4. A vision of Students Today

This video demonstrates the of students children and teens are today. They are students who collaborate online, spend more time online or using media/technology than children in the past, and are good at multitasking.


5. A Vision of K-12 Students Today

5. A Vision of K-12 Students Today

This video begins with describing how students are always using technology while their teachers do not.


6. Engage Me

6. Engage Me

This video shows students and learners of all ages begging for educators to "engage me". They hold up signs that demonstrates how technology engages students and allows them to learn by doing in a global world.


7. 21st Century Skills: What Do We Do?

7. 21st Century Skills: What Do We Do?

This video compares education that was created for and continues to function as if still a part of the Industrial Revolution to the Digital Revolution that students belong to today. Because of this, students belonging to an interconnected world are being taught disconnected content.


8. Rethinking Learning

8. Rethinking Learning

This video discusses the tools and skills needed to remake the content of the 20th century fit into the 21st century. It also acknowledges that digital tools are not always the best tools to use and that students need to know when to use them and when to put them away.


9. Pay Attention

This video uses students to get the attention of educators that students today are digital learners. It encourages educators to pay attention to the technology students use and amount of time is spent using that technology. The message is to use technology that students love to reach, teach, and engage them.