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Updated by primeinc92 on Jul 07, 2022
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Eco friendly Packaging for Food | Prime Inc

prime inc very passionate about making our products in a sustainable and eco-friendly way, so you can feel good about buying them. Did you know that 45% of plastic packaging, including things like grocery bags and disposable utensils, is not recycled? With our customizable 100% biodegradable plant-based packaging, it's easy to be environmentally responsible. From fresh produce to dry food bulk grains to chocolate filled cookies and more.


Eco friendly Packaging for Food | Prime Inc

prime inc very passionate about making our products in a sustainable and eco-friendly way, so you can feel good about buying them. Did you know that 45% of plastic packaging, including things like grocery bags and disposable utensils, is not recycled? With our customizable 100% biodegradable plant-based packaging, it's easy to be environmentally responsible. From fresh produce to dry food bulk grains to chocolate filled cookies and more.

If you are looking for eco-friendly packaging prime inc provide that is excellent for people, animals and the environment, then look no furthur than ours. Packaging made from recycled or bio-degradable material is cheaper and stronger than traditional packaging. Plus, you can save hundreds of trees using this eco-friendly design.