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Updated by Abhinav Shrestha on Jul 07, 2022
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Quotes From the All-time Funniest Hollywood Movies

The list contains the quotes from the famous all time great comedy movies. There are the links to the article connected to the respective blogs where you can read quotes of movies like Step Brothers, Ace Ventura, and more.....

Dumb and Dumber Quotes

Harry and Lloyd are two best friends who are known for being brainless. They are on a road trip from Providence to Aspen, to return a briefcase full of money to the owner. During his journey you will enjoy lots of mishaps and funny moments in the movie.

The Big Lebowski Quotes

Jeff 'The Dude' Lebowski has the same name as the husband of the women who has been kidnapped name Jeffrey Lebowski, The Big Lebowski. He gathers his all the stupid friends and goes around to find the wife of the millionaire using his name.

Ace Ventura Quotes

Ace Ventura played by Jim Carrey is a zany private investigator who is expert at finding missing animals. After the mascot, the players of Miami's NFL team is kidnapped one by one. He gets hand on the culprits but the mischievous activity and adventure Ace goes through is commendable.

Groundhog Day Quotes

A TV weatherman goes to the small town Punxsutawney to get a report on their annual Groundhog day. He finds himself reliving the same day over and again, until he finds the way of turning the situation to his advantage.

Step Brothers Quotes

Two losers come together when their parents get married and are related as the step brother. They have the rivalry with each other like the same that goes with South and North Korea. But when they find similarities in their likings they are the best mate in the world. Now think what will happen when these two fools come together at your place.

Shaun Of the Dead Quotes

Shaun played by Simon Pegg is the loser, laze, and dull guy. He has his girlfriend Liz who is only the best thing happened in his life. She wants him to behave and take responsibility like grown ups. Suddenly when the town is overrun by zombies, he must be a man and save his mother and girl no matter how hard his heart is pounding.

Hot Fuzz Quotes

After irritating the superiors, police officer is transferred to village as the people dying in an unusual and terrible accidents. He combined with the locals to solve the issue and the various events happen during these courageous acts.

Blues Brothers Quotes

Jake and Elwood are brothers. When Jake is released from prison he reunites with his brother. Where they rejoin their R&B band to save the orphanage from being closed, and collecting money to save their Catholic home outrunning the police.

Anchorman Quotes

Ron burgundy is the top rated anchor in the male dominated broadcasting industry. When the women is about to be hired as the new anchor all the scene begins and the film takes off straight to the comedy island making you stomach ache.

Superbad Quotes

This comedy movie is based on two high school seniors who are best friends since childhood. They are not popular in their college, but wants attention form the prettiest and coolest girls in school. They organize a party and it goes awry. Here are some of the quotes from the movie in this article.