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Updated by Ric Dragon on May 16, 2014
Ric Dragon Ric Dragon
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EXCLUSIVE: 13 Creative Leaders Give their Secrets for Success

Maybe you've been working in an agency for a while and are ready to start out on your own, or perhaps you read our article on starting your own agency and are ready to take the plunge, or perhaps you're already an agency leader looking for inspiration.

LinkedIn's New Showcase Pages: What Marketers Need to Know

Over the last six months, LinkedIn has been implementing changes to make the site more brand friendly for the 3 million companies globally that have Company Pages. The recent Sponsored Updates feature allows marketers to pay to get their products and services in front of the right people.

Capital One's Big Ka-ching | Social Media Today

In October, 2012, Capital One re-launched and rebranded their cash card. The new name, Quicksilver, required both a push around awareness, as well as a strong association with the value proposition. Capital One had already enjoyed some success tying a hashtag in with advertising, but in this case, the hashtag would play an even more central role.

Warning: Community Engagement on Social Media Nears Extinction for Brands

If size matters, community engagement must not, or so the current trend of Facebook advertising and it's near white-noise moment forecasts. Now that the dust has settled on arts organizations creating social media channels, the urgency for continually increasing follower count needs to slow down and priority needs to shift to integrating content and social strategies.

#SMX Liveblog: Twitter For Business (#14C)

It wasn't that long ago that Twitter first debuted in 2007 at SXSW. And, in fact, it wasn't that long ago that we didn't even consider ourselves "social media marketers"-we were search marketers. If you only take one thing from this session, this should be it: Twitter is about human communication.

Podcast 008: Ric Dragon Interview

Susan McLennan helps brands become better storytellers both through the media and through direct and digital communications. She is an award-winning communicator with a background in television production who has secured media coverage through some of the top media outlets in the world and created content that has won hearts and changed minds locally, nationally and internationally.

A Content Marketing Fallacy (Influency's Real Origin)

Let's peel back the content marketing curtain. There's a lot that goes into content marketing. Being in the biz, one of the things I find most interesting about that is a new trend predicated almost entirely on Google telling the world -no conflict of interest there, right?-not to bother tweaking content to get better results.

Ric Dragon's guest lecture on May 3rd

Ric Dragon will be our guest lecturer on May 3 rd. I made a really nice discovery last month, Ric is writing a weekly blog called "Big Brand Theory". Please take a look at it:

Social Media Strategist Spotlight: Ric Dragon

In anticipation of MediabistroEDU's Social Media Strategy conference, which runs June 23-July 25, we decided to ask a few of our speakers to comment on trends and common mistakes in the field. So if you can't wait for the June conference, read on below and then REGISTER HERE!

Advanced Search Engine Optimization with Ric Dragon

This is the last in a three-part series about Search Engine Optimization. Read Part One and Part Two here] For our third and final installation on search engine optimization we reached out to Ric Dragon, CEO and founder of nearby DragonSearch Marketing.

  • Author of Social Marketology, speaker, CEO & co-founder of DragonSearch, poet, drummer, and painter.

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