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Updated by Tattoo Ideas on Apr 20, 2023
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Piercing Ideas and Education for Men and Women

In spite of their simplicity, piercings can convey a number of attitudes, styles, and statements. Our goal is to explain everything you need to know about piercings and piercing aftercare in general in this section.

A smiley piercing goes through your frenulum, the small piece of skin connecting your upper lip to your upper gum. This piercing is relatively invisible until you smile — hence the name “smiley piercing.”


Double Tongue or Frog Eye Piercings - Everything You Need To Know

Double Tongue or Frog Eye Piercings. Your guide to everything you need to know, pain, healing, infections. frog eye piercing
A venom piercing is a double tongue piercing — one on each side of the tongue. Though not quite as tough-sounding, it's sometimes called a frog eye piercing because the balls on the jewelry resemble frog eyes when you open your mouth.

Nose Piercing On Both Sides: Everything You Need To Know

Two piercings in the nose are called double nose piercings. Piercing both nostrils, either on the same side or the opposite side, is popular.

A double nose piercing is any combination of two piercings in the nose. It can be two nostril piercings, either on the same side or the opposite side if you're obsessed with symmetry. Or it could be a nostril and septum piercing. If you remember, I got my septum pierced last year and it was great fun.

What Is The Cost Of Claire's nose piercing? Your nose piercing guide

Claires offers ear piercings, nose piercings, and more. You can also get accessories at Claire's. Everything to know about nose piercings. 

While you are seated, our Piercing Specialist will clean and mark your ear lobe with a surgical marking pen for placement and give you the chance to check it out. Once you agree that it's at the perfect spot, the piercing itself is over in an instant.

Dashing Dimple Piercing Examples and Ideas – seductive looks

Dimple piercings are perforations through or into the skin made to insert jewelry to simulate or enhance dimples. Do dimple piercings give you dimples?
Some people like that cheek piercings give the illusion of dimples, or make existing dimples appear more defined. If done properly, cheek piercings are considered safe. Still, the procedure has some risk. Always confirm that your body piercer is licensed and has performed cheek piercings before.

Snake Bites Piercing Ideas and Examples – Things You Should Know

Snake bites piercings are double lip piercings that sit near the outer corner of the lower lip. The piercing is shaped like a snake bite. What piercings look good with snake bites?
Jewelry for snake bite piercings

Rings, horseshoes, and labret studs are the most popular options for snake bite piercings. Whichever ones you decide on, make sure to consult with your piercer on selecting the right size. Jewellery that doesn't fit correctly could end up irritating or harming your teeth or gums!

Helix Piercing Examples+ Aftercare & What You Need To Know

Helix and spiral piercings both involve piercing the ear's upper cartilage; however, there are several different kinds of helix piercings.

How do you put in a spiral helix piercing?
"Spirals are worn through a single piercing, but because of their unique shape and design they give the illusion of multiple earrings. To put on a spiral, you put it in from the back of the ear, and once it's through the hole, you twist it forward until the stone is sitting flat at the bottom of the earlobe."

Keloids on Piercings: Your options and A guide to removal and prevention

learning how to protect piercings from keloids is a good idea. Sometimes your body makes too much scar tissue, leading to keloids.

As soon as the wound heals, begin using silicone sheets or gel. Applying silicone sheets or gel can help prevent keloids from forming and reduce the size of existing scars. You can buy these products without a prescription.

What Are the Different Types of Ear Piercings and How Much Does It Hurt?

Getting an ear piercing is great. Standard lobe piercings are fun, but have you tried cultivating a collection of piercings on the ear?

You may feel a pinch and some throbbing after, but it shouldn't last long. The pain from either piercing method is probably equivalent. The ear has nerves all through it. But the fatty tissue in the earlobe has less than other areas, so it may feel less painful.

A Smiley Piercing Example Pictures And What To Know Before

This is everything you need to know about Smiley or Frenulum Piercing. Smiley piercings are placed in your frenulum, which is the small.

A smiley piercing goes through your frenulum, the small piece of skin connecting your upper lip to your upper gum. This piercing is relatively invisible until you smile — hence the name “smiley piercing.”

Rhino Piercings: Your Guide and What You Should Know

Rhino piercings are rare and a unique way of self-expression. The rhino is a cartilage piercing done vertically through the tip of the nose. Rhino piercings: what are they? You don't have to worry about piercing your nose; it isn't something we do to endangered animals. It might be the right piercing for you if you want something a little different from a standard nostril piercing, for example. It can be paired with other nose piercings, such as a nostril or bridge piercing, or it can look equally good on its own, so it's pretty versatile.

Angel Kiss or The Vertical Labret Piercing Guide and Pictures

A surface piercing like the angel kiss piercing passes through the middle of the bottom lip and out the bottom. Pics of angel kiss piercing

When Can I Change My Septum Piercing? Your Guide Here

The Septum Piercing and all your questions answered. When can I change my septum piercing ? Aftercare instructions, healing process.

Piercing the septum was used as a symbol of their success and rite of passage into manhood. Historically, the piercing of these flesh tunnels became associated with rebel subcultures such as punk rock, which is seen as a symbol of rebellion. Now, virtually everyone is getting pierced.

Nose Piercings - Everything You Need and Should Know Before

The Nose piercing guide. The nostril piercing is popular with both men and women, as it draws attention to your face. Although some people believe that body piercing was first made popular by young people and punk rock, it has actually been a way of life and culture for many societies throughout history. Despite its young age, body piercing has a fascinating history that goes back thousands of years and has spread to nearly every continent.

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There are four sizes of tattoos: small tattoos under 2 inches, medium tattoos between 2 and 4 inches, and large tattoos over 6 inches. Each of these is a subjective measurement, however. Prices and sizes are determined by tattoo artists.

Recent years have seen an increase in micro tattoos, also known as extra-small tattoos. These can be placed on the tiniest areas of your body, such as your earlobe or side of your finger.