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Updated by Tm Gujarat on Jun 15, 2024
Tm Gujarat Tm Gujarat
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What is TM and How to Learn TM

Meditation comes in various forms, But TM Technique is the most profound. TM stands for Transcendental Meditation. From poverty, emptiness, and suffering to abundance, fulfillment, and happiness, the program transforms the quality of life

What is TM (Transcendental Meditation)? | by TMGujarat | Oct, 2022 | Medium

This article provides more detail on What is TM (transcendental meditation). Some studies suggest transcendental meditation can reduce anxiety, ease stress, and ease professional challenges such as compassion fatigue and low resilience.

What is transcendental meditation & how does it work | by TMGujarat | Nov, 2022 | Medium

Let us begin by understanding what is TM (Transcendental Meditation)
In 1959, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi created the TM Technique, a unique technique that utilizes the mind's natural tendency to reach greater happiness.
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The Role of Meditation in Nurturing Relationships

Meditation to improve relationships is a powerful tool that can transform how we connect with others. By practicing meditation, we can enhance our emotional regulation, reduce stress, and improve communication.