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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Your One-Stop Checklist to Have a Fabulous Beach Vacation - Only checklist you need to have a wonderful beach vacation
Joanna James Joanna James
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Your One-Stop Checklist to Have a Fabulous Beach Vacation - Only checklist you need to have a wonderful beach vacation

Going to the beach is a delightful way to get away from the day to day hustle and bustle. You get to spend time in the sun, feel the fresh ocean breeze, and spend time with family and friends, making memories to last till your next visit to the beach.


Pack a cooler

When you are packing for your beach outing, remember to pack a cooler with enough water, beverages, and snacks to last you the entire stay. While it is lovely to set up camp at the beach for a few hours, it can also get extremely warm; therefore, you need to make sure you stay hydrated during the entire time. Frozen fruits such as strawberries and blueberries are also a great snack to pack up in your cooler.


Bring a change of clothes

Even if you think you will likely not go for a dip in the sea, it is a good idea to pack a set of clothes for you to change into by the end of the day. Any beach travel guide will tell you this as you will feel sweaty and sticky by the end of the day and a fresh change of clothes will lift your spirits.


Arrive early

Most sandy beach trips do not start well because people do not get a head start. If you make sure you come to the beach early, you will be able to find a good spot to place all your belongings close enough to a beach hut and also the right amount of distance to head to the sea for a quick dip. When you arrive early, the weather will not be warm and humid. And you can enjoy the breeze while you place your things and change into your bathing suit.


Set-up your spot

Arriving early will help you with this task as well as you will get to allocate the right amount of territory for you when you are setting up your beach towel, picnic, and other belongings. If you have a beach lounger, you can set that up along with your beach umbrella just the way you want in order to make sure you are setting up for a wonderful day at the beach. If you come once most people have already settled down, you will have to make sure that you do not disturb the others and manage with whatever the space available.


Take care of your skin

Time at the beach can melt all your stress away but the sun rays can cause a lot of damage to your skin. Therefore, you must apply sunscreen once you have settled down. Once you have spent a few hours in the sun, keep in mind that you need to re-apply sunscreen every few hours. While this might seem like an unnecessary task, remember that you will be thankful that you have reapplied the sunscreen the next day when your skin is not red and patchy.


Protect your eyes

Your eyes can also get damaged from the harsh rays of the sun so it is important to either wear sunglasses to cover your eyes or wear a hat and make sure you are under some shade. Avoid looking up at the sun directly and try to always have some sort of cover over your eyes to avoid any serious damage.