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Updated by Janet Tompson on May 18, 2022
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Top 6 Laravel Extensions to Level up Your Web Development

Listed below are six extremely useful and productive Laravel extensions which make development easier and quicker for any remote Laravel developers. Let’s have a look.


Laravel Extra Intellisense

Laravel Extra Intellisense

This VS Code Laravel extension provides Autocomplete features for programmers while coding in Laravel in VS Code. Laravel Extra Intellisense gives auto-completion for Laravel mix function, Route names, route middleware and many more.


Laravel Blade Snippets

Laravel Blade Snippets

This one is another useful Laravel extension of VS Code. This extension provides syntax highlight support and also offers support to VS Code for blade snippets. Blade is a powerful templating engine which comes with Laravel, and blade snippets make coding more efficient. So this VS Code extension is meant to make templating better, easier and faster.


Laravel TestTools

Laravel TestTools

Laravel TestTools is a Google Chrome extension for Laravel using which developers can carry out Laravel integration tests while using their apps. It provides an excellent collaboration between testing and visual interaction. The most important thing is that this extension can grab hold of important keystrokes which proves helpful in speeding up scaffolding tests.


Laravel Docs

Laravel Docs

If you’re someone new to Laravel, then searching through the documentation can be tedious and time taking as well. So here comes Laravel Docs, yet another Google Chrome extension which allows you to get to the docs faster. By using it, you can skip the time-consuming Google-searching and can dive directly into the docs that you’re looking for.


Laravel Artisan

Laravel Artisan

Artisan is the command line interface included with Laravel. Artisan exists at the root of your application as the artisan script and provides a number of helpful commands that can assist you while you build your application.


Laravel Blade Formatter

Laravel Blade Formatter

This is another productive VS Code extension which comes handy in formatting. Laravel Blade Formatter is primarily used as a file formatter. It allows developers to format through the same syntax programming via blade-formatter (a CLI blade formatter on which this extension relies).