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Updated by Mahipal Nehra on Aug 26, 2022
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Decipher Zone Technologies Pvt Ltd.

Java development company offering agile software development, web app development, business intelligence tools dashboard development and integration, blockchain development for creating smart contracts based automated systems. Visit Decipher Zone today!


10 Reasons why business travel still important in 2022

*Top 10 reasons why business travel *still important in 2022. Business travel has always been considered an essential part of business. Even though the pandemic has changed the way business is being done, business travel is still important in 2022. Business travel may look a bit different than it was in the years before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the importance of business travel shouldn’t be underestimated and it is only expected to grow with every passing year.

E-Learning Web App Development Cost

How much does it cost to develop an elearning web application? Pandemic has changed the way we used to live, communicate or work. We are all familiar with the fact that the use of Smartphones and the innovation in technology have made a high impact on the users and have also boosted the sales of businesses and learning institutions. But what are eLearning platforms, why should you make one for your business, and how can it be beneficial for you.

Best Practices for Unit Testing in Java

Unit testing is not a new concept in the software development industry. It has been around since the 1970s, the early days of the Smalltalk programming language. Unit testing has proved itself as one of the best ways to improve code quality for developers. So, before moving to the best practices for unit testing in Java, let’s understand what unit testing is and why you should adopt Unit testing for better code.

Java Development Company India | Web App Development Company India | Decipher Zone

Java development company which specializes in Website, Java development, web application development, blockchain development where trailblazing customizable software solutions are developed with agile methodology.

What is SaaS Management and How to Choose the Right Tools?

SaaS management proactively manages and monitors the onboarding, purchasing, renewals, onboarding, and off-boarding of all SaaS applications within your company.

Best Practices & Tools for DevOps Testing Strategy

Best Practices & Tools for DevOps Testing Strategy. What is DevOps and It's lifecycle. Best Practices For DevOps Testing, DevOps Testing Tools.

How to Develop a Logistics Management System?

How to develop a logistics management system step by step, what is a logistics management system and its benefits, the main modules and features of LMS.

Top 15 Web App Development Ideas To Inspire You in 2022

Top 15 web app development ideas in 2022 that you can use for your business. Web app development overview, its pros and cons, and types.

How to Develop Restaurant Management System?

What is a Restaurant Management System and How to develop it. What are the Benefits and development cost of a Restaurant Management System? Must have features in Restaurant Management System.

How to develop a Multi-Vendor Food Delivery System

How to develop a Multi-Vendor Food Delivery System, What is a Multi-Vendor Food Delivery Web App system and it's advantages. Multi-vendor Food Delivery Web App Features.

A Brief Guide To On-demand Medicine Delivery App

How to build On-demand medicine delivery app, benefits, must-have features, technology stack, strategy and cost to develop an on-demand pharmacy web app development.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Real Estate App Like SpeedHome?

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Real Estate App? If you have ever looked for accommodations, you will understand how tiring, frustrating, time-consuming and sometimes disappointing it can be. Unfortunately, until recently, to find the accommodation you would have to search for a real estate agent, hire them, explain your requirements and regularly contact them till you find the home or office of your choice.

6 Stages of the Agile Development Lifecycle

6 Stages of the Agile Development Lifecycle. Words like flexibility and adaptability might come to your mind when you hear the term “Agile”. And that’s somewhat right, as the Agile teams are designed to adapt to changes quickly with ease. Agile teams adopt constant changes via a repetitive approach to software design and development.

Top Reasons Why Should Startups Switch To ReactJS Development

"Why Should Startups Switch To ReactJS Development? We all know how the ecosystem of frontend development has been evolving continuously. New tools and frameworks are being released with so many new features and libraries to choose from, making it difficult to find the ideal one for business owners. But what is ReactJS, why should you switch to ReactJS, when it can be used to its full potential and which other brands are using ReactJS?
Let’s find out!"

Observability for Monitoring, Alerting & Tracing Lineage in Microservices

Observability for Monitoring, Alerting, Tracing Lineage in Microservices. With the maturing of DevOps culture and the prevalence of cloud services, the microservice architecture system has become the de facto standard for developing modern-day large-scale applications. While scaling and managing distributed systems are easy, increasing service interactions create new problems.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Hotel Booking Application? 

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Hotel Booking App? Over the last decade, several industries have digitised their businesses and the travel industry is no different. The travel industry has gone to significant lengths to create its presence online. Using the web for discovering new destinations, planning and reviewing the trip has become an important part of the travel market. What makes all the planning and booking easier is a hotel booking web app.

How Smart Parking Solutions Improves Employee Parking Experience

As an employer, you must accelerate the adoption of technology to enhance the security and convenience of staff parking, especially post-COVID. Private automobiles have surpassed public transportation as the primary mode of transportation.People returning to work face an urgent issue with high-contact transport options such as public transportation, carpooling, and ride sharing. we will talk about how smart parking solutions improve the employee parking experience.

How To Create a Powerful Kubernetes Development Workflow

A containerised application can be deployed, scaled, and managed with Kubernetes (k8s), an excellent open-source automating system. Although containers are similar to virtual machines they are considered lightweight due to their isolation, and properties to share OS between applications. Containers also have their file system, the share of memory, CPU, process space, etc., making them a great way to package the code and run the application.

A Brief Guide to Dating App Development: Features Benefits & Cost

How much does it cost to develop a dating app? Technology advancements have changed the way we live, play, work, and buy. Even dating is not the same anymore. Dating app development today, millions of people are using online dating apps and the number continues to grow rapidly. We will discuss the basics of dating apps as well as the features that will help you succeed in the market. So, let’s get started!

7 Essential Techniques To Use To Elevate Your Small Business

Running a small business can be tough - there's a lot of work that goes into it and oftentimes it feels like you're juggling everything at once. But don't worry, we're here to help! We'll discuss 7 essential tools and techniques that you can use to elevate your small business. By using these tips, you'll be able to streamline your operations and make your business more successful. So what are you waiting for? Read on to learn more!

Addressing the Microservices States, Scalability, and Streams

Microservices States, Scalability, and Streams. For years now, most of us have heard the word “Microservices” and how it makes an application-independent. While some may also have worked using this architecture. But today’s article is majorly focused on the shifting from monolithic to microservices, how, in some cases, microservices are not acting as expected, and what is the solution for improving its state, scalability, and streams while actually making it an independent architecture.

Secure Coding Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

Code is the core of a computer program; if there are any vulnerabilities in it, then the whole program may be compromised by cyber attacks.The continuously expanding number of security breaches that have occurred over the past few years is too alarming to ignore. In recent years, we have learned that cyber attacks have exposed millions of people's financial and personal information. In this article, we will learn all about secure coding and its best practices.

Factors Affecting ReactJS App Maintenance Cost and How to Reduce It

ReactJS is the most popular Web Library that has surpassed jQuery for all the right reasons. The main reason for its popularity is that it allows developers to streamline the development process and add new features to their software more easily. ReactJS is known for developing websites and applications with high graphics, interactive user interfaces, and high performance. So what causes such an increase in the maintenance cost of the ReactJS web app and how can we reduce it? Let’s find out!

Reasons and Strategies To Improve Code Quality

How to improve code quality? Writing code and developing high-quality software is a work of art. As soon as a developer starts writing code, it becomes crucial to keep it bug-free, sustainable, easily understandable, and traceable. For one developer, code quality might not be the issue because he/she will perceive the code from one angle.We will cover what code quality is, why it matters, and ways to improve the quality of code with ease. So let’s get started!

5 Dangerous Database Mistakes to Avoid

As a data security specialist, you’ll inevitably come across data breaches from time to time. Though most breaches are due to human error or technical failures, there are still instances where sensitive data has been exposed. There are several common data security mistakes that businesses make. The information security team is often rushing to check a database or file system and doesn’t take the time to ensure the data is properly protected.