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Updated by AlQuran Classes on Jun 30, 2022
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Learn about AlQuran Classes and Islam

Online Quran Classes can provide a vast platform of learning about Quran and Islam to children, women and men. You can learn Quran with Tajweed, Translation and Arabic grammar & linguistics.


Learning of Quran with Tajweed

Online Quran Classes provide a way for students to learn the Quran in an informal and interactive environment. The classes are designed to assist students in developing a deeper understanding of the Quran and increase their fluency in reading and reciting the text. In this regard, Al-Quran Classes is available to help the children, women, and men learn the Quran with Tajweed and provide Hifz programs.

Ramadan- 5 Virtues of the Blessed Month - AlQuranClasses

Ramadan is a time of self-restraint and purity; which Muslims believe will lead them to Heaven. The Quran tells Muslims to abstain from sex, violence, and lying during Ramadan. The month also showcases the generosity of Muslims, who give away what little money they have to help the less fortunate. Ramadan also teaches Muslims about humility and how to put others before themselves.

Health Issues In Ramadan

Make sure you drink plenty of water and fluids throughout the day, especially if you feel thirsty. Consuming fluids helps regulate body temperature and prevents dehydration.
Avoid eating large meals late at night or in the early morning hours. Eating large meals late in the night or early morning can lead to digestion problems and weight gain. Instead, enjoy a light breakfast and lunch throughout the day to keep your energy levels up.

Online Quran Classes

I have seen many people who want to learn about the Quran and Islam but hesitate because of society's criticism. But now you all can learn the Holy Quran with Tajweed and Translation with up to a 15% discount at AlQuran Classes.

They provide you with a wide range of Quran courses and education on Islam through their blogs and from the verses of the Holy Quran.

Quran Classes Online by AlQuran Classes

If you want to learn about the Quran and Islam but hesitate because of society's criticism (judging someone for being religious). Then now you all can learn the Holy Quran online with Tajweed and Translation with up to a 15% discount.

Laylatul Qadr 2022 - The night of Blessings

Laylatul Qadr is the night of the Prophet Muhammad's ascension to heaven. Muslims worldwide celebrate this night by spending time with loved ones, praying, and reciting prayers. This night is essential because it is when Muhammad was granted his final revelation from God.

Farewell Ramadan- Goodbye - AlQuranClasses

Ramadan is ending. Many Muslims worldwide are rejoicing and looking forward to the Eid al-Fitr festival. It is a time of reflection, fasting, and merriment for many.

Ramadan has been a time of peace and introspection for Muslims worldwide. It has helped people connect with their faith more profoundly and strengthened bonds between family and friends. The monthlong fast has also taught Muslims about self-discipline and how to appreciate all they have in life.

Online Quran Classes for All

Learn about the Quran and Islam without hesitation. Now you all can learn the Holy Quran online with Tajweed and Translation with up to a 15% discount.

Eid ul Fitr 2022 - The sunnah ways of Celebrating Eid - AlQuranClasses

Eid ul Fitr is a vital celebration in the Islamic schedule and was begun by the Prophet Muhammad himself. It will be celebrated on the 1st or 2nd of May,2022. It is called ‘The Feast of Breaking the Fast’ and is praised by Muslims overall to stamp the finish of Ramadan. 

Learn Quran Online by "AlQuran Classes"

If you are looking for a way to learn the Quran online, Alquranclasses is a good option. Alquranclasses offers a variety of online courses that efficiently teach you the Quran. The courses are designed for beginners, including videos, audio recordings, and interactive exercises. You can also find discussion forums where you can ask questions and get help from other students.

Drugs in Islam a taboo?

Islam strictly prohibits drugs, as it considers them to be sinful and harmful. The Quran, Islam's holy book, explicitly condemns drug use as an act of disobedience against God:
"And eat not of that which has been slaughtered over ceremonial cleanness (to include alcohol and drugs), except to bring forth fruits thereof. And eat not of that which has been strung together (i.e. a garment or piece of string used for slaughtering). That is fit for the beasts only."

What is Marriage Proposal? - What is the appropriate way to propose a girl in Islam?

Islamic marriage proposal quotes emphasize the importance of sincerity and respect. A prospective groom should develop a romantic gesture or proposal that shows his interest in the woman he is interested in, rather than simply asking for her hand in marriage.

"Allah has prescribed for you the marriageable age and has determined a term for you. That term is thirty years." (Quran 2:223)

Online Quran Classes with Tajweed & Arabic Pronunciation

There are many benefits to learning the Quran online;
Foremost, it can provide peace of mind. The Quran is a source of guidance and wisdom, and studying it can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Learning the Quran can help you improve your Arabic skills, which can be helpful in a variety of contexts.
Finally, knowing the Quran can give you a deeper understanding of Islam–one of the world's largest religions.

Fasting 6 Days Of Shawwal | Virtues & Importance Of Shawwal Fasting

Fasting in the month of Shawal will be multiplied ten times as Ramadan is like fasting 300 days, and fasting six days of Shawal is like fasting 60 days.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said;

“Fasting Ramadan and following it with six days from Shawal is like continual fasting.” [Muslim, on the authority of Abu Ayyub (Allah be pleased with him)]

A Muslim's Wife Paramount Role in Marriage

It is narrated that Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“O Messenger of Allah, what type of wife is best? He said: “The one who makes (her husband) happy when he looks at her, and she obeys him if he instructs her to do something; and she does not do anything about herself or his wealth in a manner of which he does not approve.”

What are the 4 salient types of Drugs? - AlQuranClasses

Islam considers drug use and possession to be a sin. It is based on the verse in the Quran, which says: "O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, and Al-Ansar (i.e. those who associate others with Allah in His worship) are an abomination of Satan's handiwork."

Islam also prohibits the manufacturing, trafficking, and sale of drugs.

Time to learn Quran Online from the comfort of your home. Join Us Today.

Online Quran Classes provide a way for students to learn the Quran in an informal and interactive environment. The classes are designed to assist students in developing a deeper understanding of the Quran and increase their fluency in reading and reciting the text.

In this regard, Al-Quran Classes are available to help the children, women, and men learn the Quran with Tajweed and provide Hifz programs.

Supplication-Protect you During the Epidemic 12

Supplication is asking for help or favors from God or a higher power. We can do it in prayer, meditation, or simply by thinking about what we want and asking for it. Supplication can protect yourself during an epidemic, as it can help to increase your energy and positive vibrations. You can create a powerful protective shield around yourself and those you care about by offering prayers and thoughts of protection.

4 Quls- Importance and Benefits of four Quls in Islam - AlQuranClasses

The 4 Quls are four foundational chapters of the Quran. Each chapter contains a different interpretation. The four Surahs that start with the “Qul” are known as the four Qul. These four Surah are that are called the 4 Quls of Islam. The four Quls in Quran are al-Qadr, al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq and an-Nas. These Quls are very important and beneficial for Muslims.

Learning of Holy Quran

New to Islam? Looking for an easy way to learn Quran all the time?

AlQuran Classes offers Online Quran classes for all kids and adults who want to start reading and reciting the Quran. It also provides Online Quran Classes with the aim of being established as a source of religious knowledge in the Islamic community.

There Is No 0 Place For Racism In Islam: Our Prophet Condemned Racism

Islam teaches tolerance, understanding, and compassion for all, regardless of race, color, nationality, or creed. Here is some of the essential knowledge from the Qur'an when it comes to racism.

Worries or Depression 7 Sunnah Dua's for Get Rid of Worries

There are many authentic Dua's to Remove Depression and Worries from Hadith which can help eliminate anxieties according to Islam.

AlQuran Classes (Online Quran Classes)

Quran classes online with AlQuran Classes are best in a way, where you will learn how to read and recite the Quran in a whole new way. We have Quran classes of various durations, starting anytime, anywhere at an affordable price. Online classes for Quran are offered by the best professional Teachers to help students learn Arabic.

Beat Depression Stay Happy

Depression is treated with medication and therapy. Medications can help improve mood and decrease symptoms, while therapy can help change negative thought patterns and develop positive ones. Some people also find relief from self-help methods, such as stress management or exercise.

Online Quran Classes

Quran classes online with AlQuran Classes are best in a way, where you will learn how to read and recite the Quran in a whole new way. We have Quran classes of various durations, starting anytime, anywhere at an affordable price. Online classes for Quran are offered by the best professional Teachers to help students learn Arabic.