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Updated by Juliette B. on Jun 17, 2017
Juliette B. Juliette B.
15 items   9 followers   2 votes   72 views

Websites to Waste Time

Where I like to waste time, or if you're bored, just use one of these......

Gravity Llama

Gravity Llama is a funny platformer inspired by the 8bit game VVVVVV. Llama Land was hit by a golden meteor which encased the llamas in gold. You are one of them and your mission is to collect the golden stars and get home. Good Luck!

Super fun, really easy. All ages, simple. Kkind of addicting, haha! I would give it a G rating.


Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.

Art, if you are into it. Fan art, regular art, cosplay, sculpture, photography, you name it. I would say PG13 to R...Some artists get a little TOO creative if you know what I mean...




Post anything (from anywhere!), customize everything, and find and follow what you love. Create your own Tumblr blog today.

Fun for fandom stuff. and blogging.
Account necessary for most features (if not all)
I would say age 13+, higher depending on what content you are looking at.
So PG13, if you get on the wrong side of this sight it can be R.


Shop, discover and start fashion trends on Polyvore, the web's largest fashion community.

So, this is pretty fun for girls. All ages. G.


Pinterest is where you go to discover new things and collect stuff you love. If you find something online you want to build, cook, buy or do, just Pin It to your board on Pinterest!

This is mostly pictures, and ideas for projects and crafts and recipes and stuff. I'm going to say all ages with parental guidance. So PG, for some crude humor and language. But, then again, it all depends on what you are looking at.

Six Billion Secrets

Everyone Has a Secret... What's Yours? - Six Billion Secrets

A place for troubled young adults and teens to share their secrets, mostly anonymously. For those in need of a friend or who want to be a friend. Interesting to look through, and a real eye opener.
I will rate it R.
I feel like most of the secrets shared are not for the faint of heart....

Sketch Swap

Draw something, and receive something. Basically swapping pictures, simple enough.

I will rate it PG. You never know what a person will send you back, but I've never received anything wildly innopropriate.

Akinator, the Web Genius

It's basically a 20 questions sort of thing. I've only stumped him a couple of times!!! PG rating.


You are a little triangle and you use the arrow keys to avoid the squares. Seems simple enough, but is actually quite challenging!!!!
G rating.


Discover and share books you love on Goodreads, the world's largest site for readers and book recommendations!
For the book lover in you! See reveiws quotes, get recommendations, track your progress in books! Really fun.
PG. Some reveiws use vulgar language. by Moniker

Please hold still while we locate your pointer...

Finds pictures that point to your pointer! Reall random, sorry. G.





Music-Map - The tourist map of music

Travel the world of music.
Type in a musical artist, and similar ones will show up! Great way to find new music.

BYO Kaleidoscope

Create Your Own Digital Kaleidoscope!

Really simple, G.

T E T R I S ' D: The Game

Avoid the falling tetris peices!