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Updated by Jack smith on Apr 23, 2022
Jack smith Jack smith
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Programmatic Advertising for publisher - Adsparc

We help publishers set up ad serving, manage ad stack yield, and source programmatic demand to compete with existing demand. Our suite of offerings gives publishers the tools to maximize revenue.


Google Open Bidding (OB) Explained - AdSparc

A few years ago, Google’s ad exchange (AdX) was the favorable mode of auction for publishers. Since Google Ad Manager (GAM) came with tremendous advantages and features over other ad exchanges, it was always running premium inventory, while the remaining exchanges fought for the less-premium ad units.

List of Top Supply-Side Ad Platform Companies, What is SSP in Programmatic and its Definition - Adsparc

Here’s the list of top Supply-Side Ad Platform Companies. Find more details about what is SSP in Programmatic and its Definition now

What Is a Vast Tag, Its Metrics, How to Create & Validate them | What are 3rd party Tags

Video Ad Serving Template or VAST is a template for structuring ad tags. Publishers are adopting VAST at a great rate, and now, they have access to excellent tools to ensure maximum revenue growth with video ads.

What is Supply Path Optimization (SPO) in programmatic? Everything You Need to Know About It - AdSparc

Supply Path Optimization is a process, from the demand-side platforms, through which numerous variables are evaluated to drive buyers towards the most efficient buying path.

What is a Leaderboard Banner Ad , Size & Examples? Overview and Best Practices

Leaderboard banner ads are ads that are most likely located at the top of the website and are usually 728 x 90 pixels in size. Because of their placements, these banner ads come with high visibility and are ideal advertisement spaces.

When Should You Use Amphtml Ads For Better Ux? - AdSparc

When Should You Use AMPHTML Ads For Better Ux? AMPHTML ads can help publishers and marketers deliver faster, more engaging ads. The AMP HTML ad framework can serve ads into iframes on the same origin, which reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities. It also ships with several UI components and natively supports the MRAID and SafeFrame APIs.