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Updated by twacha-ma on Apr 22, 2022
twacha-ma twacha-ma
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Top 5 products will make your life easier !

5 products that will improve your daily and make your life easier. Top 5 gadgets that you should not miss!


1- Mobile phone holder in your car

No need any more to hold your phone by hand or to put it free in your car. This support will make the job for you with 360° flexibility and good hold.

You can find it for shopping in the online plate form Twacha Store


2- Double Layers Storage Box with Phone Holder

2- Double Layers Storage Box with Phone Holder

This box will do triple job for you, holds your phone to watch movies, clips, images... and your food then keeps your place clean.

You can find it for shopping in the online plate form Twacha store


3- Can opener for all type of bottles

3- Can opener for all type of bottles

You don't need anymore someone to open bottles for you, this product will make you stronger !

You can find it for shopping in the online plate form Twacha store


4- Furniture Lifter and mover

4- Furniture Lifter and mover

This device will help you moving all your home furniture easily, even the heaviest ones.

You can find it for shopping in the online plate form Twacha store


5- Cigarette holder and lighter

5- Cigarette holder and lighter

2 in 1 holder that can stock 10 cigarette with integrated lighter.

You can find it for shopping in the online plate form Twacha store