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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Benefits of working from home – for happier living
Joanna James Joanna James
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Benefits of working from home – for happier living

Little do many realise that the flexibility of working from home and the benefits that it brings along easily tower over the current pandemic and its surrounding circumstances. Here's a detailed take.


A far improved work-life balance

The bottom line that employees need to keep in mind is that as long as they meet their deadlines and the results reflect such thinking, then it does not matter as to when they start or end their work. In short, remote work paves the way for you to integrate other essentials to your day which may include dropping the children off at school, running to the grocery store and joining an online fitness class.


A cut down in commuting time

Following closely on the heels of a reduction in travel time is that as a remote worker you will not have to deal with having to remain in traffic and the corresponding stress. Working from the comfort of your own home entails that you can set your time, stick to it and be well placed to bid adieu to long and frustrating lines of honking traffic. From a health point of view, stress and anxiety are not good emotions to focus on at the beginning of a day, especially if you have looming deadlines and important projects to attend to.


Access to a customizable home office

Now who wouldn't love the thought of being able to work and be within arm's reach of your favourite beverage or meal? Being at home provides one with greater flexibility and ease to create a home office space that will have you delighting in the best of both worlds. Whether you want your comfy cushion as you pour over important facts and figures or have been eyeing that ergonomic chair at the local furniture store, a work from home lifestyle ensures that you can go about your day on your own terms within a most comfortable setting.


An increase in savings

Take away fuel costs, parking fees and public transportation and you end up with quite the sizable saving to be proud of. What's more? The tendency to go out and treat your office mates to lunches will be alleviated entirely and thus, will open up avenues for you to save up handsomely ahead of that investment opportunity or holiday to the tropics that you've been toying with.


You create a more sustainable future

These pandemic times have made employers and employees realize the impact of their behavioral patterns and essentially, how they can help reduce the carbon footprint. Commuter travel or the lack of same to a certain degree is affecting climate change positively. With reduced congestion and pollution, cities and nations across the globe are beginning to understand the values of investing in sustainable practices that will bear rich dividends, both in the short as well as the long term.


The end result: you cultivate a happier and healthier lifestyle

With an office job or work atmosphere comes the added distraction of politics that one can ill afford to accommodate at any cost. However, with a remote and modern lifestyle to fall back on, you will stay well clear of the same and importantly, have plenty in reserve to attack your schedule with considerable focus and purpose. Added to this, as a remote worker you will be less prone to being exposed to sickness, have time for physical activities and be able to eat wholesome and healthy food frequently. For similar takes on how you should adjust to these changing times, do have a read through the Lifestyle Guide Online.