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Updated by ashishkapoore10 on Apr 07, 2023
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Fit-to-Purpose Solution
for Project Management & Beyond.

Ultimate Guide: Resource Management Software. - ProductDossier

In a globalized business environment, a solid resource management system is a blessing. The flip side is - choosing the resource management software that is ‘best for your’ organization.

How Proposal Automation Software Can Enhance Sales - ProductDossier

This solution is for enterprises which execute projects for their internal initiatives like Capital Expenditure, IT Projects etc.
Have you wondered if there is any correlation between the use of a proposal management software and your sales effectiveness?

How PSA software can help you with successful project delivery? - ProductDossier

Managing a professional services project successfully could be relatively easy if the project team is supported by first-grade PSA Software. However, successful project delivery hinges on numerous factors.

5 Common Project Management Challenges. How Can You Solve Them?

We have come a long way in the world of projects. The challenges associated with project management have also changed significantly. Despite availability of project management literature and experience sharing, project teams continue to struggle to deliver projects successfully.

Why Resource Management tool is important for effective Project Management?

Projects go through three broad phases – (a) portfolio analysis and business case justification (b) project initiation & planning (c) project delivery. At each of these stages, effective enterprise resource planning through industry-leading resource management tool act as the catalyst for value and cost.

Be a More Effective Project Manager with TouchBase - ProductDossier

The advancements in technology have given rise to sophisticated project management software. Assuming project managers have the project management skills, let us explore how TouchBase, a leading online project management software could empower project managers.

5 Important Benefits of using Project Finance Management Software - ProductDossier

A strong project finance management software, managers can integrate project progress with actual costs that are linked to project budgets. Further, funding limits can be set up to ensure that the costs and cashflow are closely aligned.

Differentiation strategy for Professional services firms. - ProductDossier

It is common to hear leaders of professional services companies comment that even though they are more qualified to perform work for customers, are being underbid by competition. There are other leaders who are underbidding but leaving them to struggle for growth.

Notable Features of TouchBase - Project & Portfolio Management Software

We are living in a global project economy, characterized by work that is visualized, planned, and executed with the discipline of project, program, and portfolio management. However, the Organizations rely on top-notch Project & Portfolio Management Software (a.k.a. PPM Software) solutions

The ultimate guide to new product development software - ProductDossier

Innovation-driven New Product Development is the driver of any organization’s survival, growth, and sustenance. It is also an irony that most organizations have not been successful in new product development journey.

How PSA software is the future of Professional Services Firms?

A study by McKinsey indicates that most industries are either facing or are expected to face different levels of perceived instability of the business environment.

Need of project management software in automotive OEM industry - ProductDossier

Project management in the automotive industry begins with evaluation and selection of new product ideas.

To gain the first-mover advantage, automotive OEMs must launch the right products swiftly and stay ahead of the competition.

How could TouchBase benefit project finance management? - ProductDossier

On projects and programs, all roads must lead to profits and cashflow!

Living in a highly competitive world, delivering strategic programs and projects is futile unless backed by financial alignment, cost discipline,

Ultimate Guide: Timesheet Management Software. - ProductDossier

Timesheet Management Software – The key to accurate project resource and cost management!

One of the key components of cost management is the way companies manage human resources. Three important dimensions of resource cost management are:

Resource Utilization
Resource Productivity
Resource Efficiency

How PSA Software can Improve Project Performance?

As a project manager or a business leader, how could I improve project performance?

The above question seems to be the proverbial Achilles’ heel for project managers and business leaders alike – and more so during project and personal performance evaluation! While a PSA Software could be a great enabler to project teams, it is important to understand the constituents of project performance – be it projects for [

Why Resource Planning and Management Software is Important?

Resources – the driver of value and cost!

Organizations are undertaking programs and projects at an unprecedented rate to ensure execution meets strategy. The focus on program and project management

Seven Things You Should Do In Automation Professional Services Software

Professional services enterprises are leveraging the top-of-the-line automation suites, to drive greater efficiency, productivity, and collaboration. Engineering, law, healthcare, design, and consulting firms are understanding the core benefits offered by automation professional services software solutions, as they are a critical part of an overall digital transformation journey.

Ultimate Guide: Proposal Automation Software | ProductDossier

Despite periods of slower growth due to various macro-economic factors, the global economy has grown (at constant prices) from USD 11.4 trillion in 1960 to about USD 86 trillion. With the shifts in technology, lifestyle, and urbanization, this growth is expected to continue. The growth of global business brings customers and manufacturers / service providers closer – and thereby stiff

Best Practices for Professional Services Revenue Growth

Growth is the lifeblood of a professional services enterprise. As senior executives, revenue growth for professional services is an essential determinator of your success. Studies indicate that the revenue growth strategy that decision-makers at professional services

Importance of cost control in project management | ProductDossier

Project Management

Let us face it.

Irrespective of the nature of the project and its objectives, cost control in project management is – and would continue to be an important measure of project success

Notable Features of TouchBase - Proposal Management Software

For organizations and teams working on customer RFPs, developing proposals is a key challenge. Balancing the rigor and speed of proposal creation is what proposal writing teams find hard.

Proactive project tracking & control with a ProductDossier PSA Software 

Project tracking, along with deliverables, milestones, and resources, is simplified significantly with the right PSA software solution.

7 Facts About How ProductDossier PSA Software Empowers Delivery Teams of IT Services Companies 

IT services delivery teams face challenges like completing projects on time, meeting clients’ quality requirements , and doing it all safeguarding the project profit margins. Lack of timely and reliable information adds to their difficulties.

What is Resource Management Software and When Do You Need it? - ProductDossier

Resource management software is essential for enterprise resource planning if your business depends on delivering projects on time & within budget.

Resource Allocation for Successful Project Management -Part 1

Whether your projects are time & material type or fixed price type, whether you follow the waterfall method or the agile method, allocating the right resources at the right time has emerged as the most